Just Another Day at the Park

***This was meant to be published before we left on our trip, but thanks to Europe being so awesome, I completely forgot about it until now.  So, I figure better late than never, right?  You may now proceed to your regularly scheduled programming. ***

This morning, a dear friend of mine texted me out of the blue and asked if I would be willing to babysit her three children while she took her sweet new baby to a doctor's appointment, and if I would like to afterwards go to the park with all 8 of our kiddos in tow to enjoy a lovely Spring Break afternoon together.

I happily agreed, and I am so SO glad that Laurie and her beautiful children came to help me throw all of my previously-laid-but-significantly-more-boring plans (hint: laundry was a big part of them) out the window and instead spend a beautiful day at a beautiful park with some beautiful people.

Calvin is getting SIGNIFICANTLY more talented at walking, and although the sand at the play area was a little much for him to successfully navigate, he did his best and had a blast.
Of course, as soon as the 6 older children noticed that I was taking pictures, there was a flurry of demands of individual photographs of various poses:

Look how high I am!

Watch me going down the slide!

Laurie's girls have the most delicious curls you could ever imagine.  They brought me so much joy.

For your benefit, dear reader, I edited out the approximately 50 other pictures of various slide poses and selected the remaining ones to give a basic feel for the afternoon:

You're welcome.

How many children can an average play ground slide hold?

Answer, probably more than this.

Sweet little baby.  I was still getting over the nasty sinus infection that had knocked me off my feet for some time, so I didn't want to take the risk of holding this gentle little creature and getting her sick.  It was with a significant sacrifice that I withheld, though.

Maggie had so much fun having another girl her age around!

Told you.  Aren't those curls just scrumptious?

And of course, I had to get a selfie with my friend.

I am so grateful for those people who, the moment they walk into my (usually messy) house, I can pour my heart out to them and feel them do the same to me (even while mediating children's needs, wants, and demands at the same time) and walk away from the meeting feeling genuinely connected.  It's especially precious when (like in this case) it's been at least 3 years and 5 kids since we last saw each other.  I have a few of those bosom friends and truly treasure each one of them.

I love days like this that turn out unexpectedly beautiful, and even more, I love the people who make them that way.  Thanks, Laurie.


LJ said…
Oh! I finally read this post. Thank you, it was such a beautiful and filling day.