A Simple Study in Cause and Effect

Sometimes, when Mom and Dad have been working outside all morning, they get tired in the late afternoon.

So then they don't choose that particular battle when the kids get into the stick-on tattoos from the leftover Star Wars valentines.

So then, when Mom has a meeting that goes late, Dad lets Maggie go to bed with stick-on tattoos all over her face.

Sometimes, when Mom is tired of insomnia and takes not one but two Melatonin to sleep, she doesn't notice when The Brothers (as Maggie calls them) sneak into her room and steal her phone (you know, the one with her alarm on it).

So then, Mom wakes up approximately 5 minutes before Maggie's bus is supposed to show up.

So then Maggie ends up going to school looking like this:

Thank goodness her teacher has a sense of humor.
