6 Weeks...and Going Strong!

Another picture post!

I wish I was able to write as clearly as I used to--for some reason, lately writing has been a challenge.  I sit in front of the laptop (when I get/make the time to even open it and get it set up) and just draw blank after blank.

Not that there isn't writing material enough--my children are still as funny, quirky, wild, crazy, and unpredictable as ever, and adding Calvin to the mix has just given me more material.

It's just that the part of my brain that thinks "This would be a hilarious blog post" and then is able to process the event in a way to make it even remotely entertaining to read about seems to have been broken for a while.  And sitting in front of a blank computer screen is SO great for my fragile post-baby self-esteem that I've kind of stopped trying.

So this is me.  Trying.

First picture: Calvin sometimes gets sick of the paparazzi.  I can't say I blame him.
Especially when one of those paparazzi members is his sister, Maggie, who insists on being no further than 2.3 inches from his face at all times.  Can't blame him for getting a little irritated by the lack of personal space, right?

Babies.  They are wonderful.

As are big sisters!  Also, Arizona in the winter means for some awesome static action!

One way to combat it?  Use every clip you own.  At the exact same time.

And yes, that beauty tip was on me, totally free for your use.

I told you we had some pictures of Calvin's more positive reaction to Hobbes!

He actually even seemed to like the tiger!  I'm sure it'll become quite the positive association in time.

Aaaand, what's the good of using your beauty tips on only yourself?  Might as well share the wealth with your Elsa doll, amirite?

I LOVE watching my kids hold their baby brother.  They really are such amazing helpers.


We've had my mom and dad come visit a time or two, and one of our favorite activities is sharing movies with each other.  This is my mom's reaction during a recent scary movie--she's more fun to watch than the screen!!  (And you can see how Steve and my dad react to the exact same scary scene--nothing ruffles these two, apparently).

So I take a lot of pictures of my sleeping baby, all right?  Mainly to prove to myself that yes, he does sleep on occasion.

Maggie, Jack, and Clark went to help my parents clean out their barn, and so Maggie had to show what an awesome cowgirl she is!  Look at that form!

I have a few pictures like this of my dad and my siblings, and so when he nodded off while holding Calvin one day, I just couldn't resist.  Isn't it precious?

Jack wanted to show me his inspiring soldier pose, and of course, Clark had to photobomb....note the hustle!

This kid is dedicated to the art of photobombing.

We had an adorable little reindeer costume that managed to fit Calvin for only a week or two, and it was SO fun to watch his cute little feet move in them.

And here I am, doing what I've been doing of more in the last six weeks than of any other single pastime.  Lying down, holding my baby.

Clark likes to occasionally pick out outfits for Calvin, and while matching might be an important consideration for most people, Clark doesn't bother himself with trifles like coordinating colors or patterns.

Calvin and Clark doing tummy time together!

Clark also has a patch on his eye, mainly because our Little Deductible (Steve's affectionate nickname for our most accident-prone kid) managed to scratch his cornea while sucking his thumb in the middle of the night.  Don't ask me how...I was actually sleeping that time!

Daliah, aka my own personal Baby Whisperer.  She has such a calm aura about her that newborns especially seem to love.

His one-month check-up, and he'd gained four pounds!  Seems to be growing at the same rate as his big brothers, that's for sure.  The doctor was a little surprised at the growth rate, but when I told him he was actually growing slower than Clark did, he seemed to be appeased.

So I might be a little obsessed, all right?

Well, there's our six-week check-in.  Life is good.

And yes, still coming at me fast.


Sarah said…
Love this! Calvin is a cutie. Keep those updates coming. Love reading your blog and love you!