What Our Family's Been Up To:

Okay, okay, okay.... I haven't been blogging.

In the time since the last post I've written, a few things (some pretty majorly important things, actually) have happened, and I'm going to just list some of those things with pictures I have handy for each of them, because each one of these events deserves its own 15-page blog post and I'm not going to get that done at this point, let's be honest. 

In the last several months, we, in no particular order, have had the following things happen:
  • Steve graduated from Nursing School!!!
  • Steve graduated from college!!
  • My brother, Levi, came home from his mission--bringing along a little friend in the form of a parasite, named Jorge (who has now deceased, thankfully).  He's skinny but happy!!
  • Steve spoke at his nursing graduation, and I popped a few buttons from being so proud of him.
  • He also took that opportunity to announce my 6-week pregnancy to everyone in the room--something I hadn't expected him to do, but was thrilled (I'm a horrible liar and can't keep my morning sickness a secret, so I was relieved not to have to)!!
  • We adopted a new dog from the shelter and named him Pongo.
  • We discovered that Pongo, unlike what the shelter told us, was NOT a Golden Retriever, but was rather a Siberian Husky mix--which meant that no matter WHAT we did to try to keep him in our yard (a 6-foot vinyl fence, lined with cement to keep him from digging underneath, an electric collar set to the highest level, taking him on walks every day to try to keep him from wanting to run away, keeping him in the house where he broke through window screens), he kept running away.  After months and MONTHS of trying to keep him, I did some more research about Siberian Huskies and realized that we couldn't give him what his breed needs--mainly, more space than a 1/4 acre to run around in.  So, with many tears, we took him back to the shelter.  I'll tell you what, though, this has made me appreciate the many perks of having a three-legged dog--those don't run away NEARLY as often!!  (He's really bad at both digging and jumping, which is convenient when you want him to stay inside the fenced yard).
  • Steve got chosen for a residency at the nearby hospital, which is EXACTLY the job he'd been hoping and praying for for the past three years.  Being an incredibly charismatic person who naturally gets funnier the more nervous you get obviously has its perks when job interviews come up!
  • Steve took his NCLEX (The State Board exams which are craaaaazy intense).  Again, one of the most difficult weekends he's had in his life.
  • We found out that Steve PASSED his NCLEX!!!  With the minimum amount of questions--which basically means my husband knows a boatload about nursing.  Woot!
  • Maggie Maye turned 3 years old and has started getting really bossy towards her big brothers...
  • Jack graduated kindergarten and had an adorable "Graduation Ceremony" where I giggled and enjoyed the songs sung by a bunch of 6-year-olds, complete with actions. 
  • My amazing younger sister, Molly, got her mission call to the Portland, Oregon mission--she leaves in August and I'm trying not to freak out over the idea of missing her for 18 MONTHS...
  • We got a set of mega Legos from a friend in the ward, and my kids now beg for "Family Lego Time..."

  • My sister, Katie, graduated from High School!

  • And Molly went through the LDS Temple for the first time to receive her own endowments...
  • Which was a FANTASTIC excuse for my entire family to get together (for the first time in 6 years!!!) and take family pictures (where I discovered that we're actually a pretty dang good-looking group).
  • Steve took the kids branding, where he learned the art of castrating bulls and turning them into steers (here he is, washing his hands after the dirty deed...)
  • And these next couple, I have no pictures for (because my phone unfortunately dies at the most inopportune times), but we visited Mom and Dad Busch for a combination Father's Day/Birthday surprise (the family went to Jump Street, which was a blast!!)
  • My brother, Shiloh, graduated from UVU with his Bachelor's in Fire Science (and I got to go up with my parents and see him walk--such a fun trip).
  • I ran a Ragnar with some friends (most of whom I hadn't met before the race, but we're totally friends now, haha--there are some things you can't share without ending up being friends, and hanging out in a 15 passenger van while feeling nervous about running a total of 16-plus miles over a weekend is one of those things, apparently).
  • I ran a half-marathon with my sister, Molly (don't worry--both races were before I got pregnant)--and my brother, McKay and our cousin, Manasseh (both 15 years old) ran the full marathon at the same time!  Impressive, boys!!    
  • I've been morning sick and sleeping a LOT, and my kids have taken advantage of those facts to steal my phone and take selfies:

....or sometimes I just like taking pictures of them 'cause they're cute.

  • I got cute once and decided to take a picture of it ('cause Girl, you know that don't happen too often...)

  • I took a trip to Thatcher with my parents/siblings and we stopped at the Gila Valley temple to walk around the grounds and smell all of their BEAUTIFUL flowers:

  • ....and this has been the basic feeling of the past few months for me...

So.  There ya go.  Our family has been busy and crazy and incredibly, incredibly blessed, and due to the intense morning sickness/pregnancy exhaustion that I somehow talked myself into believing wasn't really that bad over the past three years, I hadn't written about these events until now.  I'm now 11 weeks into my pregnancy, which means we've heard the heartbeat of our little Zelda the Zygote (Yes, that's what we're calling this one until he/she is born--if you recall, our past three children all had nicknames whilst still in the womb, and we thought it would be fun to do the same for this one).

  It also means that if this pregnancy is anything like my others, I'll have approximately 4 or 5 more weeks till I feel somewhat human again, but it's absolutely worth it--both Steve and I are thrilled about being the parents of FOUR children and can't wait to meet our newest little offspring.


Such a fun update! I'm glad that all is going well for you.