Got a Message for You


Holy cow.

This has been a WEEK, lemme tell ya.

I can't even begin to describe the things I've gone through this week, but suffice it to say that I am grateful for a God who lifts me through my trials.

Right now, my heart is filled with peace, and I am so grateful for that.

God is good.  He loves His children, and I'm not saying that in a general cliche sense, but I am absolutely saying that He loves ME.

Me, guys--the imperfect, weak, often-making-mistakes-and-totally-screwing-things-up ME.  You know, the one who watches her daughter pour apple juice all over the floor and then pretends not to notice, hoping her husband will clean it up instead (yes, that very incident happened today).

He loves me!!

And He has told me that very fact so many times over this past week in no uncertain terms--sometimes through verbal reminders from His other children, other times through the words His apostles and prophets (past and present) have spoken directly to me, and still other times through two (not one, but TWO!) completely random and not remotely coincidental little cards that I received this week.  Of course, the most powerful times He has spoken that truth to me have been when He has spoken directly to my spirit through His Spirit, whispering in a voice that makes me thrill to the bone while goosebumps run up and down my arms-- "I love you.  And I am proud of you."

He loves me, and He sure as heck wanted me to know that this week.

So I'm passing the message on--it seems like the only decent thing to do.

God loves you.  Yes, YOU, the one reading this blog post.

He wants your happiness.  He wants your peace.  And He is there for you.  If you can't feel Him yet, don't worry--you will.

Just don't give up.  Don't you dare give up, because He will NEVER.  EVER.  EVER. give up on you.

I promise.

I know from experience.

Trust me.


Hermana Flake said…
This is beautiful, thank you for sharing your knowledge of His love for you and each of us. I love you too!
Else said…
Thanks Jewel! You're awesome!!
Jennifer said…
thank you for this reminder! I am so greatful also for a living heavenly Father who has been fairly quick in letting me know He's there and has dine it inx very unmistakable ways

you are amazing.

luv u!