Happeeee Ha'weeeen!

Argh!!  I thought I had posted this, and apparently, I hadn't.

Time for our own little Halloween post.  You know, halfway through November.  That's okay, right?

Honestly, though, our Halloween was fun.  Like, so much fun it was almost spooky.  

We started it out with an awesome Halloween breakfast:
Yes, that's the cheapo Halloween-themed sugary cereal.  I offered other ideas (frogs in a basket, pumpkin pancakes) and my kids (as always) wanted cold cereal.  So me, being the good mom I am, gave in and bought them the fun cereal.  Because you can never go wrong with always giving your kids what they ask for, right?

As part of this year's Halloween, Steve and I got to participate in the local haunted corn maze at the Willis Farm.  It was a blast--we were in the clown section, and my favorite part of the experience was watching teenage boys act tough and then nearly pee themselves when I did my gag.

This was the first Halloween we've had in YEARS where Steve hasn't had class, work, or rehearsal of some sort on Halloween night, so he actually got to dress up and come trick-or-treating with us!!  It was a blast!!

I went as a Mummy Mommy, and Steve was an Ebola-ridden nurse.

Aren't we cute?

Maggie was one of the hundreds of girls dressed as Elsa this year, but in my humble and completely unbiased opinion, she was definitely the most adorable.

You agree, right?

Clark went as a "Pumpkin Pirate..." I didn't know that was a thing, but it was very important for him to let people know that he wasn't just any old pirate.  He was a Pumpkin Pirate, and he was proud of it.

Please have the kindness to ignore my smudged and filthy door in the above picture, pleaseandthankyou.

Jack, of course, went as a superhero--Captain America this year.  This makes year four of him being a superhero--Wolverine, Spiderman, and Jack-Jack from The Incredibles have all been previous choices.

But he was pretty thrilled with it, so I was, too...
My motley little crew.  Aren't they fun?

Trick-or-Treating was a blast--it's so fun when you have kids who are old enough to all understand what it's about!  Even little Maggie would toddle up from door to door, knocking with her little fingers and saying "Twick-Tweet!  Happy Ha'Ween!"

Clark and Jack reveled in the candy, and Steve and I just enjoyed watching as our kids reminded us of the true magic of enjoying a holiday for the pure fun it brings to little kids.

And if you don't think each of my kids has worn their costumes at least three times since Halloween, then you obviously don't know my kids well.

We also actually carved pumpkins this year--BEFORE Halloween was over (my parents came over and we carved them just before leaving for Trick or Treating), and because I'm awesome and totally think of these things, I didn't actually get any pictures of the finished products.  But here's one picture of the process;

So anyways--it's now blogged.  Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!


Unknown said…
Jewel, I love your blog. So fun, funny, real and entertaining. Good stuff. Your kids are adorable, especially your little Maggie. Her little smile is so stinking cute.
Jewel said…
Thanks!! I know it's probably only interesting to me, but I'm glad I have it to look at. :)