
We had an open house at our local fire station a couple of weeks ago where they invited the community to come, eat some cookies, and then do some fun little activities.

One of those activities (which I didn't happen to get a picture or video of, more's the pity) was trying beer goggles and then doing a very simple obstacle course.

If you ever want to laugh so hard you can't breathe, just watch a five-year-old and three-year-old try to navigate traffic cones while wearing beer goggles.  Funniest moment I've had in a long time.

I did, however, take pictures of some of the other activities, and decided that pictures this awesome just had to be recorded for my posterity (i.e. my kids) to see that yes, I do occasionally let them do cool and exciting things.

They got to put out a fire with a fire extinguisher:
And then, thanks to a good friend, Jack and Clark got to dress up in REAL TRUE firefighter gear!!

Jack was excited:
And Clark was ecstatic!!

Maggie didn't want to try them on.  There are some things that are just not appealing to my two-year-old daughter, and apparently trying on firefighter clothing is one of those things.

So there we go.  Proof that Mom is sometimes fun.  And sometimes lets her children do fun things.
