School Days are Here Again

The time has come for a school post!!! Weird!  Last Wednesday was Jack's first official day as a student in the public school system. Phew...I'm officially a parent of a kindergartner. 

So, as a fun tradition, I figured I'd write all of the kids' current hobbies, theme songs, and other fun tidbits for future reference. I'll try to make it as entertaining as possible, but that's for you to judge.
Age: 5 years old
Theme song: "Thriller," by Michael Jackson, as well as "Everything is Awesome!" from The Lego Movie.
Hobby: Telling us Every. Single. THING his two younger siblings are doing. He definitely has a future career as an informant.
Favorite Movie: The Lego Movie, Sky High, and High School Musical-all three. (No judging, now)
Special Skills: The ability to hear a whispered remark across the room when it's something he's not meant to hear, as well as the ability to hear any candy wrapper being opened on the entire Western Hemisphere.
Pet Peeves: Being forced to eat anything new, healthy, or not filled with corn syrup; also any time Clark gets on, touches, or looks at his bed.
Can't go without: His "worry guy," a little stuffed person we made to help replace thumb-sucking. We'll see if it works.

Age: 3 years old
Theme song: The theme from the movie "Gremlins." He sings it nonstop.
Hobby: Doing things to make us laugh (including wearing his sister's dress-up shoes), and playing with anything whatsoever to do with Thomas the Train.
Favorite Movie: Hero Thomas, The Lego Movie, and HSMs 1, 2, and 3.
Special Skills: The ability to memorize EVERYTHING, including specific movie lines that he then repeats over and over again. Also, the ability to repeat anything over and over again.
Pet Peeves: Being told "No," also, any time Maggie sits on my lap.
Can't go without: His Thomas blanket and pillow.
Age: 2 years old
Theme song: "Let It Go," from Frozen (what else?), "Happy," by Pharrell Williams, and "I am a Child of God."
Hobby: Dressing up in as much jewelry with as many purses as one person can possibly carry at once.
Favorite Movie: Frozen. Hands down.
Special Skills: Being able to sound decibels no human ear should be able to register when she's excited, mad, or scared about something. Also, pinching my neck skin between her little fingernails in the most irritating way possible, then laughing about it when I shriek in pain.
Pet Peeves: Anything her brothers ever do, also, any time anyone else ever sits on my lap. She's rather territorial.
Can't go without: Her paci and her bunny-a stuffed pink blanky with a bunny sewn onto it (that's beginning to look ratty no matter how many times I wash it).

Age: 31
Theme Song: "I'm So Tired," by the Beatels-this guy goes nonstop!
Hobby: Studying, homework, and working as a nurse at nights-when he's not doing any of those things, he's usually trying to catch a few winks while the kids run around yelling like crazy people.
Favorite Movie: As if the guy had any time to watch movies right now! Ha!
Special Skills: The ability to ingest ridiculous amounts of Coke Zero and 5-Hour Energy and still somehow manage to function. Also, the ability to find the funniest/grossest/most ridiculous videos on the Internet, then show them to me.
Pet Peeves: Having an inconsistant work schedule; also, when all three kids fight over who gets to sit on my lap.
Can't go without: His iPhone or iPad. This guy's an Apple guy all the way!

Age: 29 years old-just old enough to have found a GRAY HAIR when NaElle cut my hair a few weeks ago! Crazy!
Theme Song: "Crazy." 'Nuff said.
Hobby: Singing and playing piano for the local Jazz band, as well as somehow trying to balance three children on a much-coveted lap all at the same time.
Favorite Movie: Currently, "The Amazing Spider-Man." Mostly cause that's what's playing right now as I'm writing this. :)
Special Skills: The ability to make an entire bag of Reese's minis disappear within just one television show. Also, a well-honed ability to tune out the words "Moooom?" "MOM!" And "Moooom!"
Pet Peeves: Spilled apple juice on a freshly mopped floor. Which is easily avoided by just not mopping. 
Can't go without: Checking Facebook every five minutes (which is why I had to take the app off my phone) and my nightly bowl of ice cream before bed... We won't talk about how much weight I've gained these past few months. :)

Well, there ya go-Welcome back to school!


Jennifer said…
Jack looks so cute for his first day of school!

What teacher did he get? (Crossing my fingers it wasn't Mrs. "T" (you know who I'm talkin bout right?)