Another Fish Story

When Jack was in his first year of preschool, they had a lesson on setting and achieving goals. The teacher asked each child what goal they wanted to achieve, and one boy (whom Jack looked up to desperately) said, "I have a goal to go fishing!"

Jack loved that idea (having no clue what it meant-but it sounded cool) and since then has brought up the idea of going fishing off and on for the past two years.

As someone who has never been fishing before, married to someone who has been but found it less than enjoyable, we felt totally unqualified/unmotivated to take him, and so this summer, when his Grandpa Flake and Uncles Noah, Cody, and Abe offered to take him fishing at the same pond we'd often gone swimming in, I was immensely grateful.

I hoped they'd catch something, but didn't hold my breath...

Let's just say that I could've held my breath.  
My Dad caught a couple...
 Jack caught two Blue Gills-all on his own!!! 

That proud/excited face of his cracks me up!
Cody won the prize of being the master fisherman of the day-some of the fish he came home with were massive. As you can see.
That night, we all dined on fresh fish, covered in a dry rub, lots of butter, and baked to flaky perfection. The bass (which I'm all about, by the way-hee hee) was DELICIOUS-the catfish? Meh.

Anyone got a good catfish recipe? I'm thinking I want to take my boy fishing sometime soon. :)
