A Fish Story

You remember on my 30 before 30 list, how I wanted to keep a fish alive for at least two weeks?

You may also remember how Steve convinced me that we should get some fish for Jack's birthday over a year ago?

Well, you'll be pleased to know that four of those five fish--Dory, Nemo, Batman, and Shclicker (not sure how it's spelled, but that's how it sounds when Jack says it)--were thriving for over a year.  They were happy, and because Steve took on the entirety of their care, so was I...

Until this last weekend.  We had a major storm that put our power out for several hours, and the next morning when I woke, I realized that the filter had never kicked back on.  I opened up the top--and there were four fish, swimming belly-up.


So, along with our school shopping that had to be done at a store that has to remind people to not leave their children: 
Mainly because it's possible to get so much stuff that you could easily lose a small child in your own cart:
We broke the sad news to Jack.

"Hey, Jack, buddy?  Remember when the power went out the other night and it was so fun because we got to have bath time with those candles in the bathroom?  Remember that?"

He nods vigorously.

"Well," *laughs nervously* "The power messed up the fish tank, so all the fish, well..."

His eyes start to fill with tears.  

Hurriedly, I continue, "The fish got really sick and died."

He ducks his head and starts crying, heart broken.

"But--" Steve interjects, "We're gonna get you guys some new fish here at the store!"

Jack's head snaps up, showing the massive grin on his face.  "Really?  Cool!!"

I laugh over at Steve-- "He got over that quickly!"

So we went over and picked out a fish for each of the kiddos:  Meet Bulky (Jack's), Thomas (Clark's), and Abagail (Maggie's), our newest pets!!

I think Jack's excitement for the fish was only superseded by his excitement to be going to school in two days--Clark was just excited about the fish.

Welcome to our home, little ones--may your lives be longer and happier than your forefathers' were.


Jennifer said…
Oh you are a good mom...and Steve rocks for taking care of the fish. Fish are cute and all...but cleaning up after them is gross.