For the Love of Noses

Since I wrote a blog a few days ago about Jack, I thought I'd do another one for each of my kids...thus, it's Clark's turn.

I was thinking of writing something sappy about how he loves to snuggle:
...or describing his habit of sucking his thumb whilst grabbing his ear (something he learned from Prince John's character off of Robin Hood--thanks a lot, Disney)...

...or talking yet again about how he's doing SO well at potty training, despite his drastic fear of automatically flushing toilets (Walmart bathrooms have traumatized us all)....

...but over the past couple of days, he's given me the perfect topic: his love for his nose.

Let's admit it--three-year-old boys are known for things like picking their noses.
and even doing so whilst taking selfies (now how's that for talent and multitasking ability?)

But Clark tends to take everything to the next level.  Two days ago, I got in the car after the boys had buckled themselves in and turned around to see this:

He had picked his nose so bad that it started to bleed.  He had no idea it was bleeding, hence the huge smile, but it was pretty startling to turn around and see blood all over his face.

Oh, that kid.

Now, picking one's nose is one thing (gross, but pretty typical toddler behavior); putting objects up one's nose is a whole different ball game.

Steve found Clark in his room this morning, and Clark complained that he couldn't breathe through his nose well.  Some kind of nurse's instinct kicked in then, and Steve asked Clark if he had put anything up his nose.
He nodded.

My amazing husband then ran and grabbed his nursing equipment, had me hold the flashlight while Steve very carefully held Clark down, and then...

...he pulled this out.  In case you can't tell, it's a bead from one of Maggie's little princess necklaces.

I know that everyone has either a brother or a friend who at one time or another has shoved something up their nose, so I guess this can be our story.  At least he wasn't in college when it happened, right?

That kid.  Always doing the unexpected, you know, like putting things up his nose, or maybe pushing down dominoes in the most effective way rather than the traditional way.
And yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm posting a video that includes me saying "this dominoes..."  I have no excuse for my grammatical error.  

Y'all will just have to forgive me for soundin' like a hick.  After all, I did grow up in the country.


Jennifer said…
I don't know why...but I can't view the videos. ;(

My kids have picked their noses to the point of bleeding so many times I can't even count!

Addie once shoved a whole tissue UP HER NOSE.

Good times!