Can I Take a Minute, Please?

Do you ever get the feeling that you need time, space, a moment to think, and life doesn't do you the courtesy of slowing down so that you can get any of those things?
I've been having that feeling quite a lot lately.  I've been bombarded with different issues/awarenesses that have made me crave quiet time, the ability to sit down and write/think/read without interruption for a while; and yet my life hasn't given me that.  My children still demand to be fed and read to and snuggled and changed (the demanding little imps), my calling still needs to be fulfilled, my phone still rings, my piano students still show up, and people still stop by.  Then, in the few moments I have alone, I'll sit down to write some of my thoughts out, and my internet/computer won't be working....of course. I'm beginning to suspect a conspiracy against me, honestly.
To tell the truth, all of these things (except for the buggy computer/internet) are wonderful.  Amazing.  I'm so grateful for the callings I have, the support systems of people who love me and need me and take the time to spend with me, as well as the wonderful things I have been blessed enough to fill my life with; but when the only time I have to myself is taken up completely with the busy-ness that is my life, it's a little exhausting.
It's okay, though.
I really do love my life.  I mean, who wouldn't?
But if I were to say that I'm not looking forward to a break when school is over in three weeks, I would definitely be lying. :)


Sarah said…
I love this post! I love you! And I totally know what you mean - breaks are THE best!
Jennifer said…
I am planning our family vacation (it's not until June) but MAN I am looking forward to the break from the daily routines! It's like a breath of fresh air to me.

Unfortunately, I have not (in my almost 12 years of motherhood) learned how to find peaceful time for self reflection. I crave sleep too much and haven't wanted to give up even 10 minutes of it for some alone time before kids wake up. I think I need to reevaluate and enlist the Lords help!