30-Before-30 Update

Do you ever have a week where you feel completely de-motivated and unaccomplished?
That's how I'm feeling this week.  I think I'm kind of decompressing after the busy-ness of the holidays, having had company for a week, and helping my 3-year-old recover from surgery.
I'm feeling less than thrilled about my de-motivation, and so I figured it might be a nice idea to re-post my 30-before-30 list, with annotations about which ones have already been accomplished and which ones I'm currently working on.  Maybe give myself some direction, you know?
Here goes:
1.  Learn to sew--and make something I would wear. Done.
2.  Paint/draw a picture worth framing and displaying in my home.  I want to do this one in March after one of my big callings (hosting a massive dinner/dance for not only the entire town but also the neighboring one...yikes) is over.
3.  Memorize "Claire de Lune" on the piano.  Working on it--I have all but the last page memorized. My goal is to have it done by February.
4.  Run a marathon.  Uh, yeah.  Definitely done.
5.  Attend a couples dancing class with Steve.  Kind of done...NPC had a one-night swing night with a dance clinic and we went and learned a couple of steps.  Not fancy, but it was something.  I'd still like to learn to ballroom dance with him for realsies, but for now that will work.
6.  Read the entire Triple Combination through again.  Done...finished it last year.
7.  See the Grand Canyon (lived in AZ most of my life, still never seen it!)  Done.
8.  Visit Disneyland--with the kids in tow.  Done.
9.  Pay off all of our debt except for the house--and start working on paying the house down.  This one's sort of done.  We get debt free, but then medical bills always pile up.  Except for the house and medical bills, however, we are debt free.
10.  Go camping with all three kids.  We plan on doing this this summer.
11.  Plant a garden and have it actually be productive.  Done-ish.  My garden last summer wasn't as lavish as Jack's was, but it was still quite productive, and I was proud of it.
12.  Learn to bake really good bread.  Done!  I'll have to post my Aunt Ruth's bread recipe on here, but it is flat-out amazing.  No joke.
13.  Go snorkeling.  Done--we went snorkeling on our honeymoon (I know it was kind of cheating to put something on here that I'd already done, but still...)
14.  Plant a lawn (and keep it alive!!)  Another done-ish one.  Our lawn stayed green all last summer, yes, but half of that greenery was either crab grass or bullheads.  I kept it all mowed, though--does that count?
15.  Reread The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia (Yes, I'm a C.S. Lewis fan). I've reread The Chronicles of Narnia recently, but when I went to buy The Screwtape Letters on my Kindle, the only copies I could find were way too expensive for my cheap tastes.  Maybe I can ask for it for a birthday present..... hmmmm...
16.  Make a photo book/album for each of my children's births.  Haven't even started on this one, to be honest.  Maybe that'll be my Christmas gift this year for all of my kids.
17.  Memorize one song on the violin (that isn't Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star).  It's my goal to start on this one after I've finished with Clair De Lune.
18.  Perform as the lead in a community play.  Done!  A couple of times, actually--I was Connie Lou in Michael McClain's Forgotton Carols, and then I played Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors during the summer of 2012.  Fun experiences, both of those!
19.  Write down Steve's and my love story.  Not yet--but I think I just figured out what I'm doing for our anniversary this year!
20.  Visit at least one state I've never seen before.  Done.  
21.  Take my children to the aquarium.  Does the fish wall at Walmart count?
22.  Read all of Jane Austen's books.  Done.  Several times over.
23.  Attend General Conference in person.  Not yet.  Sigh.
24.  Go waterskiing (or at least, attempt to waterski).  Also not yet.  
25.  Walk barefoot on the beach.  Done!
26.  Be there when my husband graduates from college.  In the process--he graduates in May of 2015, so I'll technically be over 30 when we accomplish that one, but close enough.
27.  Eat an apple (or peach) grown on a tree that I've planted myself.  Our trees have blossomed and borne fruit for the past two years, but each year the late frosts have killed them.  Working on it, though!
28.  Read the New Testament through again.  Just finished that today!  Yay!
29.  Find at least two family history names to take through the temple (this one is harder than it sounds).  I've worked on it, but having come from a LONG line of family historians, this one is tricky. I'll try again later, but this one's tough.
30.  Keep a fish alive for longer than two weeks.  Done!  Jack's birthday present fish from last March are STILL alive.  Nothing short of miraculous.

So, there we go!  Nice to see I've been accomplishing some things in the last little while.  Now I just need to get motivated to somehow finish the other half of that list.


Heather said…
Dude. I am sincerely impressed. You have accomplished A LOT.