Time for Awkward Comebacks...

So, have you ever had the experience where you did something you're kind of embarrassed about in front of someone, so you start avoiding that person?
Well, that's kind of why I haven't blogged in a while (amongst a few other reasons, which I may or may not share later)--for those of you who didn't read my last post, I sort of had a tantrum in front of the whole Internet, which was kind of embarrassing.  I didn't handle that night (or that week, for that matter) very well, and the fact that everyone knew about it made me feel a little awkward about getting back into the blogging world.
To be honest, a lot has happened that I've wanted to blog about--Halloween, my brother coming home from his mission, Thanksgiving--but all of those posts require pictures, and since my computer is currently being wonky, you don't get those pictures.  
So instead, here's my awkward, "hey there, again--how ya doin?  Heh, heh" post.  Don't worry, I included lots of cute (other) pictures (thanks to my husband's iPad) to make it more fun and hopefully less awkward.
We did our own little family Nativity on Monday night, and here is our three-legged "donkey" with Maggie, playing Mary, and Baby Jesus (who may or may not look a lot like Boo from Monsters, Inc.)
It's okay--it's adorable.  You can admit it.
I'm in my white bathrobe because I'm the angel (duh--don't I look angelic? Angels are totally known for getting sharp with hyperactive kids, right?), and Clark is a shepherd, while Jack got to be Joseph.  Our Nativity lasted approximately 3 1/2 minutes before the kids got hyper, but it was still fun.
So, for some other updates: Steve finished his finals a week ago and aced his classes for the first semester--yay!!  One down, three to go.  We can totally do this.
He's currently enjoying his Christmas break, and I'm enjoying finally having a "honey" around to do some of the things on my mile-long Honey-Do list.  It's mutually beneficial, I'd say.
These two kids, aside from using my husband's iPad to take approximately 83 selfies--

--have been pretty well-behaved.  We're still having some parenting learning curves, like when Jack decided to see if he could punch a screwdriver into the wall (he could), but for the most part, we have fun together.
The other night, I decided on a whim to take them to the Ward Party, even though Steve had to do some scholarship hours and I knew I would end up being a single parent at it.  Even though Maggie wet through her pants five minutes into the party and I may have lost each child at least once each, we had fun--especially when Maggie ate half a cube of butter (I was talking to a friend and not paying attention), much to the amusement of the family sitting next to us, and when Jack loudly announced that he was turning into a wolf and didn't want anyone to watch him. Clark didn't do anything exceptionally entertaining that night--his main goal for the night was to get out of the church building.  Where he wanted to go, I'm not sure, but I do know that he was bound and determined to get out.  That kid is deceptively fast, I'm telling ya.
So you know, nothing too exciting.  Just life as normal.
Here, have some more pictures:
I told you--my kids love taking selfies.
Not all of them are successful.

...but I think we can safely say that it runs in the family.
So, anyways.  If I don't get on here again within a week, Merry Christmas!

May you always have soft blankets to snuggle under, and wonderful people to snuggle under them with!


the princess said…
my dear, you know that we all have the same issues but at different times. let's not always put on the "perfection face" and help each other know that our lives are NOT perfect, but we love our lives and our families!! :) glad you're back - and it was fun to see you last week.

~ jannet
Jennifer said…
Oh Jewel I love ya! I think we all need a safe place to be ourselves. Really...that safe place for me is still coming as I learn (over and over) to accept myself and the fact that I am not perfect nor to I need to pretend that I am. I love you and those kids all the more because you are REAL!