Sick Days

I've decided that I have a passive-aggressive body.
This whole summer, while I was training, my body never got any injuries directly related to running--which I'll admit, was a HUGE blessing for someone who was suddenly adding so many miles after not running at all for so many years.
However, it obviously wasn't a fan of me pushing it so hard, and it let me know in some of the most interesting ways.  I started craving ridiculous amounts of sleep--nearly the same amount I craved during my first trimesters of pregnancy--and every time I pushed my mileage up by a couple of miles, my skin would break out (we're talking teenage pizza face, here), and I'd get massive cold sores that wouldn't go away for weeks.  I pretty much looked like a leper all through July and August.  My poor husband--although I was in the best shape I've ever been in, I was definitely not attractive.
So, right on schedule, three days after my marathon, I woke up to find that the leprosy had returned.
May I introduce you to The Cold Sores That Won't Go Away and my Pepperoni Pizza Chin:
 I took this picture this morning, which means that we're officially on Day 7 of nasty cold-sore lips.  I'm getting rather tired of the questions from various piano students: "What's that on your lip?  Did you fall? Can you rub it off/put a band-aid on it?"
Fun times.
Also, in today's news, I finally cleaned this counter off (most of that stuff got dumped there when we came home from Utah--officially over a week ago):

after which, to celebrate, my kids promptly emptied all of the kitchen cupboards during my piano lessons.
I woke up this morning with a sore throat--for the third day in a row.  I'm trying to think positive thoughts and tell myself that I'm not getting sick, along with using essential oils, enough Emergen-C to choke a horse, and drinking gallons of liquids a day, but by this afternoon, I was definitely feeling yucky--a deep cough, runny nose, sneezing, and sounding like a man when I spoke.  Luckily, the only one who seems to be displaying any of the same symptoms as I am is Clark--Jack and Maggie are (thankfully) still quite healthy, and although Clark has a nasty cough and seems to have a sore throat, he's got as much energy as ever...which is all both good and bad.  It's rough when Mom's sick and the kids still feel like doing all of their normal activities.
At times like these, I just wish I was still a 4-year-old whose mommy could rub my back while I lay in my pajamas on the couch watching movies and drinking orange juice until I felt better.
Instead of feeling too sorry for myself, though, I put on my big-girl pants and did my visiting teaching, taught all 7 piano lessons I had scheduled, did 4 loads of laundry, cleaned up a baby's bloody lip, and changed no fewer than 6 diapers (not counting the poopy underwear that didn't quite make it to the toilet)...all while dinner cooked in the crock pot.
All day long, I tried my darnedest to be the most patient mom I could possibly be when children were climbing, whining, and clinging to my tired body, but tonight, when the Eldest Boy snuck into the leftover rice-crispy treats that I had been planning to polish off tonight after bed time while I was distracted by cleaning up the screaming Youngest Child's split lip that the Middle Child had hit with a yet-unidentified object, I may or may not have lost it and yelled a few things (mainly things like "Go to your ROOM!" and "I just don't FEEL GOOD!").
I quickly apologized, however, and after some snuggling and a prayer that tomorrow would be a better day, I'm hoping that the emotional trauma has been minimized.  Don't be fooled, the kids were still in bed by 6:45.  It was one of those days.
How was yours?


Jennifer said…
Today is much better for me than yesterday...thanks for asking!

Yesterday Weston was excused from the van.

He was crying like a mad man.

I left him by a tree in the parking lot of Kaitlyn's school while I waited in the parent pick up line.

He wasn't wearing shoes.

So...yeah. Today is better.

Hope you are feeling better soon!
Do you have L-lysine? It's an amino acid you can only get in food...but you can get a supplement. It works wonders on clearing up and preventing cold sores!