The Top 10 Reasons Why I'm a Terrible Human Being:

Everyone has their faults.  I have my own fair share, and I figured that I might as well share 10 of them for you all to enjoy and think, "Oh, well, at least I'm not as bad as Jewel is--"  because, you know, comparing ourselves to others is the surest way to bring confidence and joy (No sarcasm there).
1.  I run red lights.  Not with my car (that would be truly terrible), but any time I'm out running in our teensy little community and come across one of the two traffic lights in town, I usually tend to just run across the intersection, whether the "walk" sign is on or not.  Don't worry, I check for traffic first.  If there are any cars on the road at all (not typical when I'm out at 5:00 in the morning), I wait.
2.  I still take naps any chance I can get, even though I'm not currently nursing or pregnant.  I've got a bad habit of staying up late with my night owl of a husband, and with the fact that I have to usually get up at 5:00 or earlier in the morning to get my runs in, I get pretty cranky around noon--which is convenient, because that's when my kids get cranky, as well, so I just enforce nap time.  For all of us.
3.  I'm a fibber.  Of all of the faults that I've listed here, this is the only one that I'm truly trying to change--I'm not a big liar, but when it comes to little white lies (you know, the kind that you tell when your husband comes home and asks, "So, what happened to all of those 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies that we made last night?" and you really don't want to tell him that you ate all but the 4 of them you unwillingly shared with the kids, so you say, "Aw, man, the kids must've gotten into them!")  I'm quite guilty.
I know that technically any untruth, including exaggeration and hyperbole (which I always do, ALL the time--see what I did there?) is considered a lie to the truly upright, so I'm trying to get better about not stretching the truth in order to make myself look better to other people, but it's a habit I'm really having to work through.
4.  I've been known to kick puppies.  Okay, they were fully-grown dogs, but still--when any dog chases me on my runs, I am merciless.  Mainly because I'm scared to death (Ugh.  Again with the hyperbole).
5.  I get sucked into movies, books, and Facebook waaay too easily.  Any time I am in the middle of a good book, I get totally irritated if I have to get interrupted--especially when that interruption is something like a child getting trapped in the laundry hamper or the sound of the toilet overflowing.  I've even been known to stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning to finish a good book, although I know I have to wake up early the next morning.
I have learned that I cannot even attempt to watch one of my movies when the kids are awake or anywhere near me, because the moment one of them climbs on me, starts crying, or whines for me to get them something, I turn into the angriest human being ever witnessed (Sigh.  See what I mean about the whole exaggerating thing?).  I am not one of those who is a social TV watcher--I can't have the TV on and have a conversation at the same time, because I will inevitably get sucked into watching whatever is on that screen, and end up saying, "Huh?  What'd you say?" to the unfortunate person trying to converse with me. I've had to make it a habit to literally turn myself to face away from the TV any time it's on when I'm expected to be social.
As for Facebook, I have weeks where I'm good about only getting on once a day for a few moments at a time, but at my worst, I find myself checking my phone every other minute to see if someone commented on my status or not.  I even irritate myself.
6.  I love, love, love to perform.  Hopefully not in the "I'm so self-centered and desperate for validation and attention that I'm willing to post this video on Youtube even if it makes me look like a complete idiot" way, but I love sharing some of the things that bring me joy (in this case, music, acting, and writing) with other people and experiencing the high that comes from seeing them enjoy something I've done.  Does that make me a self-centered show-off?  I hope not.
7.  I'm one of those irritating people who thinks that my kids are the cutest, funniest people in the world and will talk to you about them for hours and automatically assume that you are as fascinated with the topic as I am.  I know, those of you who read this blog are thinking, "Really?  Never noticed that tendency..." (Again--I'm being sarcastic here).
8.  Sometimes, when my phone rings and it's someone I know will talk to me for longer than I'm in the mood for, I don't answer it.  On purpose.  Even if there's nothing going on in my life at the moment.
9.  I'm not judgmental about many things, but one thing I am judgmental about is people who use quotation marks irresponsibly.  I saw an ad today for a firm's "NEW OFFICIAL" website.  Why were those two words in quotes?  Is it not really the new official site, so you're putting quotes around it to show that someone just said it was?  I'm confused.
Another thing I'm judgmental about is when people misuse the word "literally."  The other day I heard a girl talk about how "my heart literally jumped out of my chest!"  and no one around me even batted an eye.  Does no one know the true definition of that word anymore?
10.  I feed my children hot dogs, mac 'n' cheese, and ramen noodles.  Not daily, or even weekly, but they are a part of our diet from time to time, especially when we're exceptionally busy.  I know they cause cancer and are the nutritional equivalent of feeding my children plastic.  I even have guilt as I watch my children stuff their faces with the carcinogens I have placed in front of them.  But every once in a great while, they are just SO dang convenient....and my kids love them.
So, there you go.  Judge away--I know I'm asking for it.


Cristin said…
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Cristin said…
It's a shame we don't live in the same small town. We could run together, kick dogs together, make fun of people who use unnecessary quotation marks together... good luck on your run!
trine k said…
Ha! I am loving Cristins comment! Its nice to know that even angelic Jewel can turn into a monster when reading a good book, I suffer the same problem. In fact, most of these I can totally relate with but wasn't even feeling that bad about until now... :) and go girl go!! You can dooooo it!!! Just plan for a milkshake or something totally delicious for after and just run towards it....!
HAHAHA! I didn't even know those were faults until I read them. However, the kicking dogs? How dare you. Good luck on your run tomorrow! I hope you come out alive.
Jeremy said…
A tragic point of order for number 9. Society has literally changed the definition of the word. =)