Why I'm Not Good At Crafts...

As you can see, I've redesigned my blog a bit.
Do you like it?
I think I like it--I love blue and yellow, I like bubbles, I cleaned out my sidebar of blogs that hadn't been updated in over a year (if I took your blog out of my sidebar, I'm sorry--if you'd like me to put it back, please send me your name, blog address, and a 500-word essay detailing how and why you'd like me to link to your blog on my blog.  Or just ask me to put it back, and I'll be happy to), and I tried to add a little more personality to the place where I try to write down my personality...
But maybe I don't like it, after all.  The background is kind of busy, and if you're scrolling down pretty quickly, it makes you feel like you're sinking in the ocean.
*tries out a background that kind of looks like someone threw up some paisley all over the back of it, then returns to the bubbles*
But then again, I like the ocean.  So that might be fun.
On the other hand, the yellow--will it give people headaches as they read it?
*tweaks the colors four or five times, only to return to the exact same one I started with*
Meh.  Yellow is fine.  But that font--that font is pretty boring...This font is kind of fun--let's try it!
*Can't even read it for longer than a sentence without getting a headache*
Okay, let's try this one...
*tries it*
Mmmmm...maybe it's too "cutesy" for someone like me.
*goes back to the exact same font I started with*
This is fine.  Let's see...what else can I change?
The Internet quit on me again.
*flicks the laptop angrily and goes in to fiddle with our irritating modem that quits regularly*
Fine.  I'm leaving it the way it is.
Yeah...anyone else think I'm over thinking things? I'm realizing that this is probably why I'm terrible with crafts.  Anyone else have that problem?
But enjoy the new design--I'd say that I'll change it if I don't like it, but let's face it...I'm not eager to do that again.


Jennifer said…
I think the design is cute! I would update mine (it could use it) but my attempts always end in emailing my friend to fix it for me...after spending way too long trying to do it myself!