It's Summertime!!

I hope you all don't mind, but I'm about to photo-vomit all over this blog.  
You see, I LOVE summer.  I love flip-flops or, even better, going barefoot.  I love green growing things.  I love being warm without having to build fires to feel that way.  And if my pale, fair skin didn't hate the sun with such a fiery, burning passion, I would LOVE being out in the sun all day long.  As it is, my children (especially Clark) have inherited my redheaded tendencies to burn after more than 5 minutes in direct (or indirect--Maggie has been sunburned after staying in the shade before) sunlight, so hats and sunblock are staples around here.  But that doesn't stop us from enjoying being outside as much as possible!
 As I was uploading some pictures from my phone to the computer, I realized how much I've enjoyed this summer--and I'm so grateful that I now have a decent camera on my phone so that I can capture some of the things that have made this summer thus far so wonderful.
 Smoothies.  My boys LOVE smoothies--but Jack hates the loud noise the blender makes, and, as usual, Clark is shadowing his big brother as he so faithfully tends to do.
 Blue eyes.  I remember being jealous of my brown-eyed and green-eyed friends growing up, but having all three children with these gorgeous blue eyes makes me SO glad my eyes are the color they are.
 And doesn't everything about this picture scream "Summer" to you?  Cut-off jeans, flip-flops, baseball hat turned sideways, T-shirt, boy is getting old.
 Dog piles on Daddy--he's home SO much more this summer than he's been for the past few years, it seems, and it has been marvelous.  We're really trying to appreciate every moment as much as possible before the nursing program starts next month.
 Playtime at the park--we've enjoyed eating dinner outside every now and then...

 ...and it's always fun to just goof around with my boys....even though Jack doesn't seem to appreciate it when his mom is too silly to be cool.
 Camping trips!!  Just kidding--we haven't actually been brave enough to take all three kids camping just yet...maybe next year.  For now, they're happy with s'mores cooked over the fire pit in the back yard and tents in the front room.
 Hiking trips, on the other hand, we can do.  Found this little beauty just a few minutes' drive away from our house and we really loved it!
 We'll have to head there again one of these days.  Anyone want to come with us?!

Now, this video doesn't necessarily have anything to do with summer, in particular--but Jack and Clark adored the Haunted Mansion (Steve's favorite ride of all time) when we went to Disneyland, and have requested that we listen to the soundtrack nearly nonstop in the car since then.  The other day, I realized that they were both quoting along with the narrator, and it was so cute that I had to stop the car (NO, I'm not a dangerous enough driver to video my kids as I drive) and get a video.
Yep--definitely Steve's kids, all right!
Anyways, if you made it through this entire post that is severely lacking in humor and/or cute anecdotes, I am impressed--but I'm glad I shared these--it'll be fun to look back on this summer with.


Heather said…
Love that picture of Jack on his bike. He looks so boyish and cute!
Jennifer said…
I am trying to figure out what park you were at...and where that water/lake was.
I MISS being able to love summer!!!! It is WAY too HOT here to love being outside! It actually makes me sad.
Sarah said…
Your kids are so adorable! I love all the pictures! Totally makes up for lacking in humor. :) And I love how many great memories you guys are making. So excited to see you guys soon!
Jenn said…
I love all your summer time pictures! Hooray for summer!
Jewel said…
Jennifer, we were actually at a park in the valley on the way home from our Disneyland trip way back in May, but I figured they were summer pictures, so I threw them in with the bunch.
The water is that sweet little creek on the way to the Movie Theatre in Show Low--you know that gorgeous meadow with all the horses? There's a hike there! It's only a mile round trip, so it's short and easy for little legs (and older legs), and it's a fun little picnic spot. We'll have to have you guys come up and do it with us some time!