Speaking of Bragging...

So, in accordance with the accountability that I mentioned in my last post, I want to update y'all on how my 30 before 30 list is going...again, please, please PLEASE don't think of me as being braggy, because as I'm writing this, two of my three children are running around in pajamas with messy faces as I hear them crunch across my filthy floor, Buster is feeling neglected because I haven't fed him yet, and my sink is full of dirty dishes.  So if you think I'm an overachiever, just bear in mind that my house is currently trashed, and excuse me for a moment while I go feed my long-suffering three-legged dog.
Okay.  I'm back.
So, here are a few of the items I've been able to check off my list:
Item #1.  Learn to sew and make something I would wear.  I didn't count any of the Beauty and the Beast items on this list, because although I did sew on several of them, my mom was there, watching and helping the whole way.  But, I have accomplished it--last year, my brother got married, and so I made two white skirts for the wedding--one for me, that I made from a pattern (although I tweaked it to better fit my tastes), and one for my adorable little sister, Katie, that I TOTALLY made up myself from a pencil skirt she already owned.  I'm pretty proud of them.
I'm the one on the farthest left, and Katie, the one for whom I made the skirt, is to the left of the bride.  You can't see our skirts very well in this pic (the focus was obviously on things other than my homemade skirts), but it's proof!!  Bam!  Done.
Item # 20 Visit at least one state I've never seen before.  Last February, my sister had a baby, and I took it as the opportunity to leave my two boys at home with Steve for a couple of days and fly my very-pregnant self up to see my first nephew-- in Idaho, a state which I had never previously visited.  Not exotic or anything, but I visited a state I'd never seen--and had a great visit with my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.  Check.
Item #27 Eat an apple (or peach) from a tree I've planted.  We planted two apple trees and one peach tree on the north side of our yard two years ago, and although there were several peaches that started developing on our peach tree last year, unfortunately, Snowflake springs are not kind to budding fruit.  However, our apple trees haven't bloomed yet this year, and I'm hoping they'll wait to bloom until after the worst of the winds and late freezes are over so we can get at least a couple of pieces of fruit from them.  If not, hey, I've still got two more years to go, right?
Item #30 Keep a fish alive for longer than two weeks.  I've totally gone above and beyond on this one--Jack got five fish for his birthday in March, and two of them are still alive--so I've (helped my husband)  keep two fish alive for over a month now!!  And--crossed off of list.
So, that's an update on a couple of my items for now...I've got a few others in the works/already finished, but this is enough to talk about for now, eh?


Stephanie said…
Those skirts look awesome! Also, I vote that your next state to come visit should be DC (except it's not exactly a state :). There's a spare bedroom at our house calling your name!
I love the update! I'm very proud of your sewing skills! Oh! And it looks like you've never given birth to any children. Next you should blog about your eating and exercise. Maybe I could get a few tips.

And if you do want to add another state, I say you add Texas after I move there. Then we can bond over our lists and possible the grand time we had as mission companions.