One Year Older...and Wiser, Too?

Hey, I'm 28, y'all.  As of Saturday, that is.
I've decided that one of the very best pick-me-ups in the world is to have a birthday and go on Facebook the next day.  I got so many lovely, sweet messages on my wall--some from people I haven't seen in years, but who (thanks to Facebook) remembered my birthday and took the time and effort to send me a message telling me so.
It was great for my self-esteem.
Also good for my self-esteem?  New shoes.  New running shoes, that is...along with a smart phone with an app to track my running distances and times.
My husband, who actually had strep throat last week, still stepped it up and surprised me by taking me to pick out my new running shoes on Saturday morning.  He even chased all three kiddos while I took my time picking out the very best shoes for my running style...which, for someone as indecisive as I am, took quite a while. 
I did not envy my poor husband as I watched him across the store, strong-arming Jack away from a baseball bat display as he kept Clark from running out the front door and into traffic, all while holding a screaming Maggie, but I was grateful--my runs lately have been hurting my knees, feet, and back, and as soon as I mentioned these things to the sales rep, he let me know that it was because my current running shoes didn't have enough padding in the heel. 
I tried on a few pairs, and found a pair that I really liked--it had a high enough arch to even support my crazy-high arches, and the heel gave a lot of bounce as I jogged around the store.  And, to make them even more awesome?  They're black and hot pink--and they were on sale.  Pretty sweet.
Also, on Friday, I sort-of-accidentally ran 5 miles (I had planned on running only 3 or 4, but the temple ended up being farther away than I thought--hence the smart phone app), and it was so encouraging to realize that even though I am not perfect with my training schedule (most weeks I only end up being able to run 3 days out of the week), I'm progressing--and this marathon is totally going to happen.
Sometimes it's terrifying to think that I've not only made this incredibly difficult goal, but I've made it so public--I've announced it on here, on Facebook, and to many of my friends/members of my ward--and so, if I were to fail, it would be pretty humiliating.
However, just the mere fact that I was able to run 5 miles--on an extremely hilly course, no less--made me so stoked.  I'm stronger than I think I am!  And I can do hard things--even run a marathon!!
I know I have a long, LOOONG ways to go, but I'm moving in the right direction.  And that very fact is encouraging.
So, hopefully you won't mind or think of me as braggy (because if you saw how slowly I run, you would not be impressed), but I am going to continue to write down and share my running achievements as they happen--because, let's face it--when things are written down, they become much more real...and there's an accountability that happens.  And that's exactly what I need these days.
So, bring on 28!!  I'm ready for it.


Heather said…
DANGIT. I missed your birthday. :( I know it is the 13th, but had forgotten and since I'm not on FB anymore I don't have the luxury of a reminder. Well, I think you are fabulous and you are one of my very dearest, most treasured friends. I am so impressed by your goals for self-betterment, but would expect nothing less than impressive for you. I hope you know how much I love ya, dearie. And HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!
Jenn said…
Girl, brag away! Having 3 kids and making the time to run like that is nothing short of amazing. I personally find it inspiring, so please keep sharing. Maybe somewhere along your journey I'll find some motivation. Love ya!
Jennifer said…
Happy Birthday!!! :)
Love it! I've never liked running, but I do love a free shirt AFTER paying race entrance fees. I'm going to stick to my 5k, but you should keep writing about your progress and it might inspire me to maybe do a half.

OOOH! And more 30-before-30 updates!