30 Before 30

So, here it is...another boring list.  This probably will only be remotely interesting to me, but I figured--it's my blog, so if it's interesting to me, than that's all that matters, right?
Here's my list of 30 things I'd like to do/learn before I turn 30.  Some of them I've already accomplished recently, some of them I'm in the process of accomplishing, and some of them I'll have to do in the next two years (!) before I turn 30. 
In no particular order:
1.  Learn to sew--and make something I would wear.
2.  Paint/draw a picture worth framing and displaying in my home.
3.  Memorize "Claire de Lune" on the piano.
4.  Run a marathon.
5.  Attend a couples dancing class with Steve.
6.  Read the entire Triple Combination through again.
7.  See the Grand Canyon (lived in AZ most of my life, still never seen it!)
8.  Visit Disneyland--with the kids in tow.
9.  Pay off all of our debt except for the house--and start working on paying the house down.
10.  Go camping with all three kids.
11.  Plant a garden and have it actually be productive.
12.  Learn to bake really good bread.
13.  Go snorkeling.
14.  Plant a lawn (and keep it alive!!)
15.  Reread The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia (Yes, I'm a C.S. Lewis fan).
16.  Make a photo book/album for each of my children's births.
17.  Memorize one song on the violin (that isn't Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star).
18.  Perform as the lead in a community play.
19.  Write down Steve's and my love story.
20.  Visit at least one state I've never seen before.
21.  Take my children to the aquarium.
22.  Read all of Jane Austen's books.
23.  Attend General Conference in person.
24.  Go waterskiing (or at least, attempt to waterski).
25.  Walk barefoot on the beach.
26.  Be there when my husband graduates from college.
27.  Eat an apple (or peach) grown on a tree that I've planted myself.
28.  Read the New Testament through again.
29.  Find at least two family history names to take through the temple (this one is harder than it sounds).
30.  Keep a fish alive for longer than two weeks.

There we go--Some of these goals are ridiculously easy, some of them I've already attained, and some of them are going to take a LOT of work for me to achieve, but I think it's a pretty fun list!!


Shauni said…
Very inspiring! I think I may have to sit down and make my own 30 Before 30 list right now!
Jennifer said…
Oh my! That is quite the list!!! I'd say if you do a fourth of those things you have accomplished a LOT!
I LOVE it! I'm totally stealing some things on your list! Remember to keep us all posted as you're doing them. And Happy birthday! Let the countdown begin!
Amelia Mason said…
Yep, you inspired me to do my own, but at the moment it's only 21 items long. I love your list though.
The sewing one was impressive to me. I can sew, meaning, I can hem pants, fix holes, and reattach a button, but beyond that I'm hopeless. Your goal to make something you can wear is amazing.
Also, you may want to get on planting that peach or apple tree if you want a fruit before you're 30. :)
Heather said…
Good for you! I like this idea, but when I think of doing it for myself I feel like it's too much commitment. Haha, I'm such a reach-for-the-stars kind of person, eh?

As far as number 23 goes, perhaps I can help you out with that a little? We just bought a house (woohoo!), so you are welcome to come stay with us sometime to go to Conference. We'll have an extra bedroom.
Stephanie said…
That's an awesome list! I'm totally copying you.