Why is that?

I have never once eaten a Little Debbie's snack cake or eaten at McDonald's and afterwards thought, "I am SO glad I just ate that.  I feel really good about putting that into my body." 
I usually either feel a little queasy or want to eat more of it....never satisfied or content with what I just ate.
And yet, if the food is offered or available, will I eat it?
Heck, yes, I will.
In fact, tonight I found a package of Little Debbie's in the car (they were bought as a bribery last time we went shopping with the kids--don't act like you don't bribe your kids to be good when at the store), and I gave in to those enticing little cakes that are, in reality, basically solidified corn syrup (it was a stressful afternoon, okay?).   
Were they satisfying?  No.  Were they even that good?  Not really.  I could feel the sugar hurting my teeth.  And yet, I ate not one, but TWO of them.  And how am I feeling now, you ask?  Well, my tummy hurts and I kind of hate myself.
That's why I never buy Little Debbie's.  Lesson learned.


Jennifer said…
Don't dog on little Debbie! We're good friends! :)
Jenn said…
I am also so, so guilty of this. Lol!
If it helps at all, I ate several m&ms that I found under my bed that I know have been under there for a few weeks. But they still tasted good and I didn't regret it.