What a Whirlwind

So, I thought I understood the term "whirlwind trip" before this last weekend.
Ha. Ha, ha, ha.
Steve surprised me with a *rather* early 5-year-anniversary gift by buying two tickets to see the show Memphis. (Our anniversary is actually next month, but the show was in the state this month, so why not?)
Anyways--so, yeah, Memphis.  Anyone ever heard of it? 
I hadn't either--but Steve showed me some reviews, a few youtube videos, and I was HOOKED.  If you haven't heard of it, look it up.  Upbeat, incredible dancing, family-friendly, phenomenal vocals, with a story that still has me dissecting and analyzing it this many days later.  Yeah, I was definitely looking forward to this trip!! 
Even more than the show, I was looking forward to AN ENTIRE NIGHT'S worth of SLEEP in the nice hotel Steve got with his hotel rewards points....aahhhhh.  Couldn't wait for the opportunity to sleep for more than 5 hours straight!  That hasn't happened in--actually, I don't know how long.  Probably since our last trip away together, which was when Clark was a little 'un.  So, a while.
We got my mom to agree to watch all three kiddos (thanks, Mom!), and we left at 10:00 on Friday morning so that we would have all day to lounge about and shop and basically hang out until our show. 
However, due to a freakishly late snowstorm, we nearly didn't get down to see our show--or stay in our fancy hotel--because the roads to the Valley from here?  Blocked.
However, we refused to give up, and so after a 3-hour trip turning into a 7-hour one, getting lost on the way to the hotel, and a couple of snarky comments on my part, our trip finally got good.
We went to dinner at Benihana's, where an incredibly generous group of older people sharing our table paid for our dinner!!  (Made me cry).
We then went and saw our show, which was INCREDIBLE!  Honestly, if you haven't heard of Memphis, look it up.  You'll thank me.  If you have, I don't have to tell you, you already know how awesome it is.
Afterwards, Steve took me down to Mill to reenact our second first kiss (which is an adorable story that deserves its own post), and then we went back to the hotel, where we SLEPT!!  In a word: blissful.
The next morning, we woke up in time to get the free continental breakfast (I love you, Belgian waffles), and then I SLEPT until checkout time--which was noon.  NOON!  I couldn't believe I wasted the morning like that.  But did I regret it?  Nah.  Not really.
After the luxuriously slow morning, we did get a little shopping (read: half an hour's worth) in before we went to see Oz, the Great and Powerful, which I enjoyed.  Not a life-changer or anything, but definitely entertaining.  I'm still no James Franco fan, and this did little to change that fact, but I thoroughly enjoyed a non-Wicked version of the witches' origin stories--and this one was much more in keeping with the Frank L. Baum books.  All in all, I'd probably give it 4 out of 5 stars.
Once the movie was over, it was a quick lunch and then back on the road up the mountain the long way, which got us home around 9:00ish on Saturday night--just in time to get there after my parents finished tucking in the last of our chillins.  Perfect timing, if you ask me. 
Even though we didn't really get much done, and we didn't get to see ANY of our long list of people we'd like to visit when we're in the Valley--it was a nice trip.  And did I mention that I really really enjoyed getting to sleep?
Ah.  Blissful rest and relaxation.  Steve, you got me the perfect Anniversary gift. 
Sure love you.  Five years--and an eternity to go!!


Heather said…
What a good Stevie! I didn't get a chance to call this weekend and have been feeling badly about it, so I'm glad to hear you were busy celebrating your anniversary anyway. :) I'm still not sure on the minutes thing - I've used a bunch this week since my sister was in the ICU last week and I'm planning a trip to Africa. (I know, I know - I have lots to talk about! Haha!) But I will try to call soon. Or maybe if you don't have an issue with minutes, some evening you could call me on the landline. We shall see.