Back to School!!! .... Again

So, in my quick little-I'm-blogging-again post, I mentioned something that's kind of changed our lives lately...Steve had the strong impression last year (right after Maggie's birth) that he needed to go back to school in order to become a nurse, and that Wells Fargo wouldn't end up being his career.
To be perfectly honest with you, my first reaction when he told me was less supportive and more along the lines of  "Are you CRAZY?!?!  We just had a BABY!!!"
But, after he went to the counselor and found out that all of the prerequisites he had taken in years past would have expired after just one more year, and as we saw that his current company was moving in a direction that he just couldn't continue to follow, I learned to trust (more) in my husband's ability to follow the Spirit, and realized that even though this isn't going to be easy for the next couple of years, it's the right direction for our family to be going in--and it's DEFINITELY the right field for him to be going in.
He's a natural!!  I mean, look at the guy!!
Isn't that someone you'd totally be willing to trust your life with?
So, the last two semesters have been filled with him working nearly full-time (still at Wells Fargo for now, thanks to his incredibly generous boss), and going to school full-time.  Needless to say, he's a busy guy.  In fact, it's pretty common for the kids to go days and sometimes an entire week without seeing him while they're awake, and Jack got to the point for a while where he would ask me regularly, "Is Daddy coming over today?"
But it's all worth it.  I'm so proud of my husband for the terrifying choices he's made, and for making these sacrifices in order to continue his education--when he graduates from the program, he'll be the first college graduate in his family.  Pretty awesome.
Now, after much nail-biting and pulling of hair and fighting with advisors who didn't do their job right, he was finally able to turn in his nursing application last month, and we should be finding out soon whether or not he made it into the nursing program, which will start this August. 
Well, I hope we'll be finding out soon.  Truthfully, the advisor said we'd find out "Sometime In March."  I'm just praying it'll be early March versus late March, but not holding my breath.  Yet.
I'm pretty hopeful about his chances of getting in--he has an awesome GPA, he did pretty well on the HESI, and he's a guy, which is actually helpful in this field, but we're still nervous, because, let's face it, there are 50 open slots and 150-plus applicants.  The odds aren't exactly in our favor.
Needless to say, there has been much fasting and prayers in the Busch household as of late, but I'm going to be one of those people and just ask--would you all mind praying that he'll get in?  And that we'll feel peaceful about it until we find out one way or another?
Thanks.  I think that'll help me sleep at night.


Heather said…
Go Steve!!!!!!!!!! Not just in school, but for listening to that still, small voice. It can be hard to do, especially if it's wanting us to do something that is hard. I for sure have already prayed for you guys twice today, and I'll keep doing it every time I think of you!
Stephanie said…
Praying for you guys, and so proud of the leap of faith you're taking!