I guess I might as well tell you...

....One of the many reasons I haven't been blogging lately.  I've been sick--well, morning sick, that is. 
Yes, I'm pregnant again!!  We're pretty excited, although I know I'll be more excited when I finally feel human again.  This pregnancy has definitely been harder than my other two, but it felt really right to start trying again, so we were pretty thrilled when we found out that I'm pregnant.
I'm now 14 weeks along, which means that I'm due on May 14th, and which also means (hopefully) only two more weeks of morning sickness!  Yay!!  Everything seems to be going pretty well, and although we waited a lot longer to start telling people about this pregnancy (mostly because it felt a little different than my other two, which worried me, but also because our younger two will be really close together, and we didn't really want the judgements which we knew would come our way), I'm excited to get the news out here on the blogosphere finally!
So, yay!!  Hopefully there will be more blogs coming your way after the next couple of weeks. :)


the princess said…
oh jewel, congratulations!! (this is jannet, sarah's husband's cousin *lol*)

i have four kids in less than 5 years - we got lots of judging and comments, but it's been WONDERFUL! i truly love having the kids so close together. hard? totally. but i LOVE it. they're so much fun. if you have any questions or need support (heeheehee), e-mail me! mjmcvey@hotmail.com :)
Stephanie said…
Jewel I'm so excited for you! I bet you're having a little girl this time, and that's why you feel different. I hope she and Siri can be friends. And maybe Siri can marry Jack or Clark ;) Okay, I'm getting way ahead of myself, but I'm so excited for you! You are pretty much one of the most incredible mothers I've ever met, and this little spirit sure is lucky. I love ya! xoxo
The Petersons said…
Congrats Jewel!! I understand COMPLETELY about close kiddos (5 kids in 5 years makes me kinda a pro...) NO judgement here. I bet its a girl, or maybe twins!! =) hehehe!
Cristin said…
Congrats! I can't wait to hear if it's a girl or boy.
Shauni said…
Congratulations! I hope you start feeling better soon!
Else said…
They say that girls create so much more crazy hormones in your system.... can't wait to hear. Super exciting news!
Jennifer said…
Wouldn't it BE great if you had twins! You'd be the first person I know to have four kids in 3 years! You're too tiny for being pregnant with twins though.

And hey! You live in a Mormon town...half the people here at 7 kids before they turned 30 so you're okay! (lol!)
I'm so excited for you! I always think of you as super mom. How far apart are your 2nd and 3rd going to be? This is so exciting!