11 New Additions to our Family...

Did I mention we got baby chicks? Well, we did. 11 of them, to be exact, and thus far, we have had them for over a week and a half, and NOT A SINGLE ONE has died! I'm pretty proud of us, because, let's face it--we're as novice as it gets when it comes to any kind of farming lifestyle. Mostly plants. I have the blackest of thumbs.
Buster was not a fan--he hid behind the chair for a good couple of hours after we put them in the bathroom...

But with Steve's help, Jack has learned how to be really gentle with them! He had a ball touching their softness. Clark, on the other hand, just kept trying to eat them. Not yet, darling. Not yet.
Isn't that just the cutest everything you've ever seen in your life?
So, wish us luck!! Hopefully, within 5 months or so, Henriettas 1 through 11 will be providing us with all of the eggs we could wish for. Fingers crossed!


Stephanie said…
That picture with Jack holding the chick is precious.