Yeah, I know I'm Lame

But to be perfectly honest, I just haven't felt like blogging. Not that there's been anything wrong, I've just been feeling a little vanilla pudding-ish. You know, blah. Not bad, but not really exceptionally good, either.
This blog, however, shall make up for a little bit of that with a whole lot of pictures describing what our lives have been like lately.
We've had some shoe-trying-on:
A bit of wearing out:
A whole lot of smiles from this chubby guy: Way too much needy from this guy:

Just enough cool to balance us out:

A daily dose of crazy for me to deal with:
A few "What the--?!" reactions:

The million messes cleaned up:
Not nearly enough of this:
A whirlwind trip to Utah to meet Cousin Cindyll:
(Cindyll's on the left, in case you can't tell the difference between her and my GINORMOUS child Clark. Isn't she cute?)
Our daily regimen of tummy time:
A fair share of Buzz: (Jack's second-favorite cartoon character. Elmo is the first)
Way too many of these:
A couple of "Really?"s:
And again, a fair share more of these:
Dealing with a lot of this:
And the occasional experience when Jack dresses himself:

And of course, the perfect amount of these:

So...that's our life in photos over the past few weeks. I would promise to write more in detail about some of the specifics (like how Jack is trying desperately to learn how to walk in my high heels, how Clark still manages to make me laugh every day, and how I'm still learning a lot about not going crazy), but I don't like to make promises that I don't want to do. :) But hopefully these will tide all of y'all over until I do feel like blogging, right?


Heather said…
I'm of the mindset that it's my blog, I do it for me, and if I don't feel like blogging I'm not gonna and I don't owe anyone an apology for that. Who wants it to become a chore?

Nonetheless, I found this blog highly entertaining. Especially the two pictures of the time-outs. Hehehe. Made me giggle.

Oh, oh! On a completely unrelated note but something I know you'd appreciate: I found out today that I am going to DisneyWorld in Orlando in TWO WEEKS! Woot woot!
Cristin said…
Wow, thanks for that picture of the blow out. Ew. Nice reminder. I'd forgotten about those. Ew.
Jenn said…
Love this post, and the one before it about Jack saying please. All the pics in this one made me smile SOOOO big. It was a perfect blog and I seriously felt like you were describing my life! Miss your face.
trine k said…
I just got to catch up on your last 5 posts and they are SO great, I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed them, esp because I'm right there with you, just in the girly sense. These posts make me miss you a lot! Did you know we are moving to N Arizona next September for at least 6 months?! So exciting, so promise me we can hang sometimes, yeah?! Any ways, thanks for sharing all you do with us and for being able to put this phase of life in words and pictures so perfectly.