Win for Me!

Today, we hit a major milestone, but in order for you, Dear Readers, to understand the importance of this milestone, I have to tell the story from the beginning.
Ever since Jack was about a year old, I've been trying to teach him how to be a polite, loving person. Well, as with anything I've tried to teach him, some of it has stuck, and some of it hasn't. He's great at giving kisses, high fives, and knuckles, and he'll hug and play with just about anyone (which can be kind of scary when he's running up to total strangers and trying to give them hugs, but that's beside the point).
However, when it comes to saying the polite things that all toddlers should know how to say--you know, "Please," "Thank you," "I love you," and "You're a wonderful, amazing mom," well, Jack was a little more stubborn.
For the longest time, his favorite word was "Bah," because, as you see, "Bah" could have all sorts of meanings--"Buster," "Ball," "Baby,"--the possibilities are endless! And because Jack didn't ever go through that parroting phase where he repeated what Steve and I would say, when I asked him to say "Please" in order to get something (anything, really), he wouldn't say anything at all, and I would feel like a mean, horrible mom because I would end up leaving him in his high chair long after he had finished eating, take snacks from right under his nose, and not let him play with certain toys, all because I would tell him "Say 'Please,' and I'll give it to you/do it for you!"
And he wouldn't. Ever. And I'd always have to follow through with the deal I'd made, so I'd end up not giving him what I really wanted to give him all along. After a couple of weeks of this battle, there came one day when I told him, "say 'Please!'", and he said "Bah!" instead. I decided that was good enough, I let him get away with it, because I really actually wanted to give him the popsicle he was begging for, rather than deal with a several-hour long tantrum.
That was last March. And ever since then, when he's wanted something, and we ask him "What do you say?" the answer has always been "Bah!"
That is, until today!!! This morning, he was asking for his cereal, and I said, without thinking, "Say 'Please!'"
I did a double take, thought my ears must have been deceiving me, and decided to try it again. "Say 'Please!'"
Definitely a "Please!" I nearly did a somersault for joy right then and there. I tested it out a few times later on in the day, and it's definitely a new habit for him. Hallelujah!! My son is finally learning how to speak English!!
Now, if I could only get him to stop calling me "Daddy."
