Birthday Boy!

My Jack is now 2 years old! I can no longer say that I have two kids under the age of two--which, frankly, I'm okay with. :) Some things about Jack:
He loves his brother, Clark. He is always trying to give him hugs and kisses, and although sometimes Clark isn't totally appreciative of his enthusiastic loving, most of the time it's pretty darn cute.

Jack hates, hates, HATES going to bed. He still takes naps, but it's always a fight to get him to stay in his room, and more often than not, I'll come in to realize he's just been playing quietly for the last hour. One day, I came in to find out that he had had Rex take a nap in his behalf.

I only wish it worked that way.

Believe it or not, he actually really likes shopping. We took him shopping right before naptime a couple of weeks ago, and he decided to just take advantage of the free ride. He loves his Mommy--although he still won't call me "Mommy," or even "Mom," he gets excited to see me, and enjoys having his special time playing, whether we're reading, building blocks, or dancing like freaks together.
He also loves his Daddy. This kid is most definitely a Daddy's boy! On Saturday, I took him to see Daddy perform in a preview for a play, and as he walked into the theater, he knew that he was there to see his Daddy. He kept calling out for Steve, and when Steve finally came out on stage, Jack could barely contain his excitement. "Daddy!! Daddy! Daddy!!!"

Needless to say, everyone in the audience (and in the cast, too) knew that Steve had a big fan there.

Jack loves to read, and he LOVES to be outside. Recently, now that it's getting warm, he's decided to make a habit of sitting on our back steps and reading out there. I'm okay with it.
He LOVES cars--ever since he was about 15 months old, he's known exactly the noise that cars make, and he'll play with them for ever. It's pretty cute.
He also loves drinks. If you hung out at our house, you would note that he nearly always has a cup of something or other in his hand. He is a milk addict and will drink several cups a day if I let him, and juice is even worse. Luckily, he thinks all drinks are called "water," so when he asks for something to drink, I can always give him water, because that's what he asks for. So what if it's not what he wants?
So, that's a rambling post about my little boy. Part of me can't believe that he's getting so big--but the other part of me thinks that it's about time that he turns two, because he's been acting like a two-year-old for over a year now, so I'm ready for it.

I love this kid!


Heather said…
You've got a looker on your hands!