Thank goodness for MLK...

Our three-day weekend was a blast. We ended up taking a semi-spontaneous trip to the Valley (by semi-spontaneous, I mean we decided to leave about three days before we left. I call that pretty spontaneous, with two kids under two!), and instead of staying with Steve's parents, which we usually do, we decided to stay with my aunt Mindy and her family.
My Grandma Flake turned 71 this last week, so we had a birthday party for her on Saturday, which was a ball! After that, we just mostly spent the weekend hanging out with Mindy and her family. She has four living children, the oldest who is 9 and the youngest who is a week older than Jack. Marlee, her youngest, was fascinated with Clark and kept coming up and gently patting him on the tummy, the head, or the arm. She was so sweet with him!
The other kids had a ball playing with Jack, and he had fun running around in their landscaped backyard in the warm weather. It was SOOO nice down there--it's times like these that I miss living in the Valley.
Monday, we went and visited with Steve's brother, Andrew, and his fiancee, Julieann, after which we saw his parents. Then, it was a quick trip back up to Snowflake. Nothing exciting, but it was nice to get warm and to see some of my Flake aunts and uncles who I haven't seen for a while and who hadn't met Clark yet.
Well, I'd better go. This kid (sorry--I'm too lazy to turn it right-side up. Just tilt your heads, will ya?) is yelling at me from his high chair that he wants down.
Remind me to tell you later about our amazing Relief Society retreat and my new exercising goals!


Larson Family said…
That sounds like so much fun! I wish we could've gone to the party. I can't wait to see Clark too!