Baby Update

So, just so you all know, I'm nearing my due date (which, according to my midwife and ultrasound is the 9th, but I'm still going with my Ovulation due date, which is the 14th...just in case I have another late-comer), and I'm getting TIRED....lots of contractions, but still only at a 2--which, with Jack, lasted for 3 weeks.
Jack, however, is not getting any tireder...weird, huh? It would be nice if he could recognize when Mom doesn't want to be his jungle gym, but he's still apparantly not that observant.
Any suggestions on how I can make it through the next couple of weeks without plopping my kid in front of the electronic sitter 24-7?


Jenn said…
ok, I have no suggestions for you, but I am EXCITED for you!!! I can't wait for you to meet this new little guy so that I can hear all about him! Love you and good luck! Be sure to keep us all posted about your progress!
John and Lisa said…
I wish I could give you a suggestion. After 6 kids, I honestly can't remember what I did! Probably did exactly what you don't want to do to Jack! Videos galore, I'm sure of it. Thinking of you, Jewel. So excited for you and your cute family.
Jennifer said…
You know...the TV has saved my booty many times! It is great to have on when you need to go nurse the baby...or take a shower...don't feel guilty about is my advice.