I'm a Little Concerned

You know that we have a dog--Buster. I'll have to write more on my love-hate relationship with this exceptionally neurotic puppy later...but right now, I want to mention some of the things that come along with Buster, whether we like them or not. Dog hair, dog food, dog beds, dog messes--you who have had pets know what I'm talking about. Most of the time, these inconveniences are totally fine with me. They're worth it. But I am concerned about what having Buster (and his food) around has done to Jack.
You see, Jack LOVES dog food. Loves it. We finally got a fence (yay!), and because we had the fence, I thought that putting Buster's food and water dishes outside might limit the amount of dog food our child was consuming (I used to have to put Buster's dog dish on the counter any time he wasn't actively eating it, because otherwise, Jack would grab handfuls of the stuff and put it in his mouth). But even now, any time we go in the garage, which is where the dog food is kept, the first thing Jack invariably does is run to the open bag of dog food, grab a handful, and, if I'm not fast enough to get it away from him, stuff it in his mouth.
My parents recently got cats, and they now have a Rubbermaid trash can full of cat food. Yes, my very curious, very adept toddler has now found that, as well, and I can frequently find him walking around with a mouthful of cat food at my parent's house.
To further illustrate my point, this morning, I accidentally left the pantry door open. I hadn't realized this fact, and I was working in the other room when Jack joined me with his spoils. Did he go for the cookies or animal crackers--or even the cereal?
He has half a dog bone in his mouth in this picture.
I've heard of the odd things that toddlers eat, but really? This is a bit ridiculous.


Heather said…
HAHAHAHAHA, oh that is strange and I love it.
Shauna K. said…
I totally remember my brothers and the neighbor boys eating dog food. I remmeber trying it once. I can still remember the distinctive taste in my mouth. It was not good. But the boys kept eating it, and they were older than toddlers.
Stephanie said…
THAT is absolutely hilarious. Someday you'll be able to blackmail Jack with these stories ;)
Sare said…
and gross....Don't tell his future wife this story...or do but make sure I'm there to see it happen.
Jennifer said…
that is too funny! I bet his breath smells awesome afterwards...not to mention the pooey diapers!

...actually...Addie and Weston went through a cat food eating phase...that's how I know about the stinky breath and poo...must be genetic...