What a week...

We went down to the Valley (for all of you non-Arizonians, that means the Phoenix metropolitan area) this last week. Steve had a couple of classes during the week for work, which meant that he got free hotel rooms, and this time, Jack and I decided to join him rather than stay at home. Jack was excited when I got the suitcase out. He loves that thing.
He'll pull it all around the house, telling stories (that are still never in English). It's adorable.
So, anyways, we had a wonderful week! I was actually nervous about keeping Jack entertained in a hotel room by myself for two days straight, but it turned out fabulous--we went swimming on the first day, which made Jack a little nervous at first (it's the first time he's been really swimming for about a year), but by the end, he was loving it. Then we went to the mall and hung out with Mom and Dad Busch, who met us there. It was actually very relaxing, and because Steve's class got out pretty early, he got to spend about half of the day with us, which was a fun, unexpected twist. :)
That night, we got to see some very good friends of ours, Sarah and Jeremy (who we haven't seen for almost a year! Ridiculous!), and Jack enjoyed playing tag with Jeremy out in the Outback Steakhouse parking lot after we left the restaurant. Jeremy, thanks for entertaining my very busy toddler!
Then, this weekend, Steve had his 10-year-High School Reunion. It wasn't much of a reunion, actually--it was at a crowded bar that had a really loud live band and no program (or nametags, even--which made for several awkward moments when Steve would try to introduce me to someone he recognized but didn't remember the name of), but I did get to meet about 5 or 6 of his high school/elementary school friends, so that was fun. True story, we ended up staying for a couple of hours and then leaving to go get some late-night dinner. I realized what a boring couple we are when we ditched his reunion in order to go to Barne's and Noble for an hour to stall until Applebee's Happy Hour started so we could get some half-off appetizers. Wow. Lame. But what do you expect from us little country folks, huh?
The next day was church with Steve's parents, which was actually quite fun--Steve stayed with Jack in the Nursery (I guess they're between leaders right now, so each parent watches their own child), and I enjoyed Sunday School and Relief Society with Mom and Grandma Busch. It's interesting watching Jack in new situations--by the end of church, he was EXHAUSTED (their church starts at 9, and his nap usually starts around 10), so we would ask him to wave bye-bye to certain people, and he would blow them a half-hearted kiss and then turn around and nuzzle his face into my neck. It's funny to me that he's still social even when he doesn't want to be.
After his nap, he enjoyed playing with Nana and Grandpa's doggies (they have five dogs--but they're all MUCH smaller than Buster, so Jack thought they were hilarious to chase), and then we headed home. He actually did really well with all of the traveling we had this week, and I was glad he did so well sleeping in different situations than what he's used to. We have one more big trip before Boy 2.0 is scheduled to arrive, and then I think I'm going to be done traveling for a while--sitting for that long hurts my hips. Does anyone else have that issue?
Wow. I just looked back at this post, and it's definitely a less-interesting travelogue. Sorry everybody...but I'm too tired to go rewrite it. And I have a floor that desperately needs a good cleaning. So, farewell for now.


Heather said…
What a little cutie with his little kisses. I could see it in my mind, and love it.

Um, and also...I pretty much think you are awesome and I miss your guts.