
My friend Sarah tagged me (and you have to go check out her blog...she's amazing), and, since one of my favorite things to do is talk about myself, I decided to answer her questions. Here you go!

What is your favorite TV show?
Community...but almost all of the NBC Thursday night shows are pretty darn funny, although sadly not always appropriate. Yet I still watch them. Sigh.
When were/are you the most happy?
Specifically, the happiest moment of my life was when I was in the temple, holding my brand-new husband's hand, looking at him, and thinking, "I get to be married to this man forever!"
Non-specifically, I am most happy when the house is clean, Jack is in bed, my legs are shaved, and I'm on the couch with a bowl of ice cream, snuggling with my husband while we watch a good movie or show, knowing we don't have to get up early in the morning. It's rare that all of these events happen at once, but when they do--magic.
What is the moment you were most proud of yourself?
When I walked off of the airplane at the end of serving an 18-month mission for the LDS Church in Taiwan--I saw my family and realized that I had absolutely no regrets from that time in my life, and it felt so good to be able to face my family (and "Friend"--Steve was there) with honor.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Probably in bed. I'm loving the whole sleeping thing lately.
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. It's the most magical holiday there is!
What do you love most about being married?
Having the security of knowing that someone loves me, no matter how gross I look or how cranky I am, and will stay by my side forever.
What are you looking forward to?
Going to bed. I told you, I have a one-track mind these days...
What does a perfect Saturday look like for you?
This is going to sound silly, but Steve doesn't have to work, so we sleep in a little, after a good breakfast, we work hard and get one of our big projects out of the way (it seems like big projects are endless around here), just in time for us to shower (although showering is optional, depending on the project we've done), get changed, and go out for a family dinner at a restaurant, after which we come home, Jack goes to bed, and Steve and I snuggle with dessert and a movie before going to bed. Boring, I know, but I like to think that I'm realistic in my expectations, at least, although predictable.

Now, I have to tag eight people--so I tag:
Jennifer (Brandon's)

Your eight questions are:
1. What is your favorite candy bar, and why?
2. What is your greatest accomplishment, to date?
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
4. If you were a vehicle, what would you be?
5. What is your dream date like? (the activity, not the guy--you've already got him!)
6. What is your earliest memory?
7. If you could have anything to eat right this moment, what would it be?
8. You have an unlimited credit card, and you have one store to use it in. What store do you choose?


Alicia said…
Jewel, I just have to say that reading the answers to your questions brought a HUGE smile to my face. I just love how positive you are and your outlook on life. You have such a great perspective, and I'm glad you took the time to write all of the answers to your questions out. You're the best!

Now I'm off to answer mine... :)
Heather said…
Heehee, you totally made me laugh with the tv show answer. I'm the same way. Sometimes I get really brave and stop watching a show, but it doesn't happen often. :)

Oh, and thank you for tagging me! But I'll be honest - the likelihood of me actually doing it is slim. Haha! I haven't really been feeling the blog posting lately.
Stephanie said…
This was so fun to read. I am right there with you on the ideal Saturday! A nice combination of productivity and relaxation :)
Shauni said…
Cute! Thanks for tagging me...I'm excited to answer these questions!
Sare said…
Dude - Did you just call me a giant freak? It would hurt if it weren't true...