Me at 29 Weeks...

This is for some of you who have been asking me to put a pregnancy picture of me on here--it's me at 29 weeks pregnant. I can't figure out why the picture saved so small...Sorry!! But it'll give you the basic idea. :)


Jennifer said…
love the belly! :)
Jenn said…
it's like you just published the thumbnail and not the actual photo. wierd.

Buuuut...I hate you. How can you still be so stinking skinny??! With just a big round cute belly? It makes it really hard for people like me to blame the round face, jiggly arm fat and ever growing back end on the baby! Come on now jewel, get with the program!!

Anyway, I really love and miss you guys, when are you coming to the valley to visit?! Please say soon and please schedule some time for us!
I just love your picture! You are one cute pregant lady.
Bubbly Faces said…
Alright you cute thing!! How come you just look prego in your tummy and not anywhere else.. No fair!