Mommy's Little Helper

My son is so helpful. You may think your kids are helpful, but do they:
Help unload the dishwasher (directly onto the floor?)
Clean out your cupboards (and by clean, I mean completely empty)?
Make sure the water in your toilet is up to par?

Sweep (and/or mop)?
Or even help you drive (by honking the horn constantly)?
Yeah. I thought not. I'm so lucky to have such a good helper.


Kelly said…
Actually, my daughter is kind enough to get INSIDE the dishwasher to make sure nothing fell below the rack or anything. Amazing, right?

Love this post. SO cute. :)
Jennifer said…
Oh my kids do all that and MORE! :) There was a time that sweeping the floor was more me running away from Weston because he wanted the broom so badly! LOL! He's actually pretty helpful now. I give him the vaccum hose and off he goes!
Cristin said…
Those are cute pictures. Maybe it's time to get a toilet lock.
Stephanie said…
Jack has he cutest smile! I love how he is just bursting with joy in all of these pictures. I'm sure he keeps you smiling too while you're doing chores :)
MERN said…