What the--?!?!

I could write about how much fun Jack's birthday was--how we enjoyed having Steve's parents (and brother and girlfriend) come up--how we ended up saving a brand-new calf's life--how Jack LOVES all the toys he got (being the only grandson on both sides, he gets spoiled just a bit)--or how Jack's getting SO big and SO old--but I don't want to. I just want to be sappy for a little bit.
Does anyone else remember how this little baby:

Turned into this slightly bigger baby:
Who has suddenly become this BOY?

Sigh. I'm feeling old.


Stephanie said…
Well, in all due respect Jewel, Jack was never a "little" baby ;), but he definitely is growing into a very big little boy. I can't believe how fast time flies by. I hope you all had a fun birthday celebration!
Claire said…
Oh my gosh!! He is so grown up! When did that happen?? Happy birthday Jack!
Heather said…
Holy crap! He's a year?! You ARE old. ;)
Jennifer said…
He's so cute! Are you ready for another! :) j/k...but I had to say that!
I really can't believe he is so big. What a little cutie he is. By the way you can't feel old until your second "baby" is going to kingergarten, your first "baby" will start 2nd grade, and your baby "baby" is turning 2 next week. SNIFF SNIFF--yeah that's rough!!