Pushing My Buttons

I've been in denial, but it's time to face the facts. My son is no longer a baby--he is a full-fledged toddler. How can I tell, you ask?
He throws tantrums. He's walking. He throws tantrums. He's into EVERYTHING. He throws tantrums. He likes to "read." He throws tantrums. He's learning to color. Oh, and did I mention he throws tantrums?
It's been weeks since I've sat through an entire Relief Society lesson--I watch other mothers longingly as their small children (the same age as Jack--give or take a few weeks) sit on chairs next to them or on the floor in front of them, quietly playing with their own toys and maybe occasionally venturing out past the row, but then quickly returning to home base. In contrast, I spend the entire meeting trying to keep Jack out of the trash can, off of the piano, and away from other babies' diaper bags, toys, and snacks. When I try to hold him on my lap, he squirms and screams, and if he doesn't get his way, he lets me know, as well as everyone else in the entire building.
He has exactly 6 months and one week till he's eligible for nursery. I can't wait.


Amy said…
Josh was the exact same way. Come to think of it, Mary is the same way now. Especially with the TV buttons. I tell her "No no", then she proceeds to look over toward me, give me a very mischievious (but cute) smile, and push them anyway. Fun times (especially the tantrums)!
Heather said…
Let's just hope you don't get called to Nursery in 6 months and one week. :)
Shauni said…
Yep, that's exactly how Jaren was, and why I was so excited to get called to be a nursery leader! Playing with Jaren (and the other kids) in the nursery sure beats chasing him around the building for 2-3 hours every week. Hang in there! :)
Shauni said…
Heather and I must have commented at the same time...I actually did get called to nursery the exact week Jaren turned 18 months, but it was a blessing because he wouldn't have handled nursery very well on his own. It's actually my new favorite calling!
Lindsey said…
I know how you feel, Sage was the same way. Her 3rd word was no and apparently most kids (according to the parents I've talked to) don't learn that until they go to nursery.
Jenn said…
I feel ya! Isabel has 3 1/2 months and I am DEFINITLY looking forward to it! After Lily went into nursery my first Sunday back in RS I thought to myself, "Wow, they actually teach lessons in church!" I had forgotten all about it since it had been so long (about 6 months) since I actually heard one and wasn't completely engrossed in keeping Lily happy!
I know what you mean! The only time I really get to pay attention in RS is when Amanda is in YM with her dad (very rare) or when I am teaching the lesson. Amanda isn't walking yet, but she wants to crawl everywhere and likes to jabber. I joke that she is trying to give her input on the lesson. I think nursury will be a good break too! Good luck with the wrestling match this week! :)
For what it is worth....you notice it because he is yours. It's likely that no one else in Relief Society notices his adventures. If they stare at you I know it's because they are thinking what I think...Look at Jack. He is so cute. I can't believe how big he is getting. Seriously, don't stress about it. Church is supposed to be noisey, because that's where our kids are supposed to be:)