What the heck?!!

Well, it's happened: after threatening to do so for the past couple of months, the boy is walking.

98% of me is thrilled, but there is a tiny little part of me that wants to cry. Is that normal?


Jewel said…
Oh, and please excuse the graininess of the video. It was taken on my phone. :) Thanks, all.
Claire said…
Totally normal... I'm impressed that 98% of you is happy. I'd say it was more 50/50 for me when Celia started to walk. Especially since I missed her first steps!! :( My father in law taught her to walk when he watched her for like 10 minutes while Scott and I went to pick up pizza one night. :P
Cristin said…
You should be crying. Your life will NEVER been the same again.
Jenn said…
Go JAck! :) I will admit that I am ok with the fact that Izzie isn't really walking yet. She may take a step here or there, but she mostly still wants something to hang on to. With Lily we were really encouraging her to walk and she learned several months younger than Isabel is right now, but we are OK with that! We help her along, but we are totally alright with her not being full on yet! :) Good luck! I think that one year - two year old is SUCH a fun year, they learn SO much!
Jennifer said…
Your life is over Jewel...he's a toddler now....that means T-R-O-U-B-L-E!


You just have to have another baby!...and that is worth crying about. (j/k again)
Heather said…
Go Jack! Go Jack! It's your birthday!
(It would really help me if Jack had some 2 syllable nickname so it fits better in my schoolyard songs to him. Can we work on that?)
Stephanie said…
That's so exciting! And crazy. That cute little boy is going to make an awesome athlete!
Shauna K. said…
I wanted to cry. It makes me realize how long it has been since I saw him. I can't believe he is walking. I am a terrible aunty:)