Balloon Faces

For Family Home Evening last night, we were tired, but we had set a goal to have Family Home Evening every week. So, our lesson and activity were simple: we drew balloon faces and talked about how we are all unique children of our Heavenly Father. I decided you all needed to see our amazing artistic abilities.
Buster and his balloon face, as drawn by yours truly
Jack and his balloon face, drawn by Steve (note the four teeth!!)
Me and the balloon face Steve drew for me...
Steve and his balloon twin...or at least, my version of it.
Jack didn't draw anyone. I didn't think my ego could handle seeing what his version of me would be. But he did have fun playing with the finished products, until we saw this:
and then he had to take a bath and go to bed. Poor guy. We never let him have any fun.


Sare said…
Cute!!!! We had that goal too...but with just the two of us...every night if FHE. lol.
Jennifer said…
Hey that sounds fun! Think we'll have to steal that idea! :)

Your post reminded me of when Kaitlyn was about a year old and we drew pictures of her belly. Don't know why we did it...but it was funny.