Amazing what 5 little words can do

The other night, I was lying in bed, feeling sorry for myself.

It had been a rough day--Steve had had to work late (again), Jack had been extra cranky, and Buster had been completely disobedient. The house was a wreck, despite my many efforts to make it otherwise, and although I had tried to do everything right, I still felt like a complete failure.

Just as I was lying there, trying to go to sleep, feeling completely undervalued and unappreciated, my sweet husband (who was probably completely exhausted as well) rolled over, put his arms around me, and murmured, "Thank you for being wonderful."

I fell asleep smiling.


Stephanie said…
Thank heavens for sweet husbands who remind us that we're not as bad as we think.

I have to say I concur. You really are wonderful Jewel!
Heather said…
That gave me chills, man. I LOVE Steve!! I'm glad he's taking good care of one of my favorite people in the world.
Brie said…
Is it totally ridiculous that I just got all teary eyed from that post? That was so sweet! You guys are both wonderful!
Alicia said…
So glad I'm not the only one who teared up. Sweeeeet!
Jennifer said…
what a nice hubby you have!
trine k said…
just makes me feel normal to know other moms have hard days, way to have such a sweet husband. PS I realized that for me to battle those hard days of just me and baby, I had to get out. So, try to get out of the house more often, then you don't have to look at the mess and you both get some fresh air! :)