Musings of a Medicated Mommy

Well, I'm feeling better. Meaning I actually ate enchiladas--my first non-blended meal in over a week (although I lost 10 pounds in the last week--now offically done with baby weight!), and although it hurt, it didn't make me worry that I was ripping scabs off of the inside of my throat as everything else I've tried to eat has. So I'm taking that as a good sign.

Jack is still goopy. He has a cough, continuous fever, a really runny nose, and his eyes are glued shut every time he wakes up from a nap. But he got into my book shelf again today, so I'm seeing that as progress...before, he was too tired to get into any trouble, but today seemed to be better. Hoping he keeps progressing.

Steve is now the one we're really worrying about--his cough is so bad, it makes him sound like he's dying of tuberculosis. Plus the fever. And the stuffy sinuses. Why is it that he had to steal my thunder and get this incredibly frustrating sickness right when I was the one who was supposed to be pampered?

Anyways. That's why last week stunk so much--if it wasn't for my amazing mom and sisters, I don't see how we would have survived. As it is, I still haven't showered for a week and am wearing the same clothes I wore the night after I got my tonsils out. Yeah. I'm gross. But at least I'm alive--and happy about it, for a change!

So that's my random old-lady moment rambling about all of our health issues. How are all of you feeling about the crazy storm hitting the entire western half of the US, eh? We've been getting rain all day--we had snow last night, and it even stuck and looked pretty for about an hour, then turned into rain. Everyone around us is snowed in--but we must be a few feet lower in elevation or something, because we're not even freezing. It's cold, but not pretty. Darn it.

Wow. This is sure a negative post. Let's see if I can't think of something positive to leave you all with--I have some amazing warm slippers that Steve's Grandma Busch gave me for Christmas, and I LOVE them. Seriously. I wear them all the time that I'm indoors. I'm pretty sure I'll wear them out by spring, but I don't even care. They are amazing.

I guess that's random enough for y'all.


Sare said…
OH!!! I'm so sorry you guys are all still sick!! my goodness!! I so wish I could come bring you soup, and carbs. I'm s sorry!!!! You guys feel better soon!!!! LOTS of love, and prayers!!
Larson Family said…
I know exactly how you feel about the stealing of the thunder! I don't often get sick, but when I even start to think about getting a sore throat Jeff and the girls all come down with sore throats and fevers. We just can't win, can we.
By the way, your pictures of Jack and the dog are so cute! It's made me want to get a dog so bad!
Heather said…
Oh man, Jewel. That bites booty. I'm glad that you and Jack are feeling a little better, and I just hope it continues! It sounds like you're doing pretty well at trying to see the positive. I just wish I was closer and could be of some use to you. Curse Utah!
Jennifer said…
The only way I have lost my baby weight (completely) was by getting terribly sick....or pregnant (w/o knowing) and still breakfeeding so my body had nothing left for me. Which would I choose???? You could probably guess.

I am glad you're feeling more lively...and that Jack is getting into trouble a little. I hope Steve can get into the dr. Sounds like he could use some hard core meds.

It is NEVER fun for mom and dad to be sick at the same time. Guys are such sissys about it too!
Glad you are feeling better! I HATE when the whole family gets sick...its the worst! Best wishes recovering!
twilightfans said…
I hope Steve dies from it.
JK! ;)
