It's a Hard-Knock Life For Us

Getting your tonsils out is awful.

Getting your tonsils out and then having your husband come down with a nasty cough and fever is awfuler.

Getting your tonsils out and then having your husband come down with a nasty cough and fever and then having your son come down with the same thing plus an ear infection is awfulest.

It can only get better from here. Right?


Heather said…
Holy sucky! :( I hope everyone starts feeling better soon.
Heather said…
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Alicia said…
That is horrible. I hope you all pull out of it soon! I'd come by, but our house is passing around pink eye. Yet again. And that's the LAST thing you need.
Jennifer said…
sorry....I am about positive Jack got sick at my house. I ended up with Brohchitis.

Tonsils aren't so bad...once you get them out you wish you'd kept them in!

Hope you're all on the up swing.

Love ya....