I Beg to Disagree

Who says that when you're a mother you have no privacy?


Stephanie said…
That picture is absolutely priceless! I especially love that it's Jack AND the dog peaking in.
Amy said…
That's what you get when you take a camera into the shower with you! :)
Jennifer said…
I was thinking the same thing as Amy! Do you have a servalance camera in there or something!?
Cristin said…
Hey - at least he's not in there with you. My kids will take off their clothes and try to join me.
Jenn said…
yes, if it is not a husband it is a child or a pet. AMEN. that is the true-si-est post EVER.
Jewel said…
Just for everyone's info, I didn't take a camera in with me--I was showering, Jack and Buster peeked in, and I grabbed my cell phone (which was lying on the bathroom counter right next to the shower) and took a picture. I'm not usually in the habit of taking pictures whilst showering. :)