
...the newest member of the Busch family--Buster!!
We had always known we had wanted Jack (and the rest of our children--eventually) to grow up with a dog. So, a couple of weeks before Christmas, we went to the Animal Shelter up in Pinetop, and adopted a German shepherd mix named Forest, who we renamed Buster.
It's not the easiest thing in the world to take care of two pooping, eating, mess-making machines, but Jack and Buster have become fast friends. After all, they have so much in common: Same interests (those are birds, by the way. Pretty sure they're glad there's a cage there)
Same nap schedule
Same tastes--literally
Same sense of humor.
Seriously, though, although there are many many moments when I have to wonder what the heck I was thinking adopting a 5-month-old, not-housetrained German Shepherd puppy to add to the chaotic mix that is our lives right now, when I see moments like these, it makes it all worth it.
I just have to remind myself that every time I see a "gift" on the floor for us to find.


Mindy said…
How are you feeling Jewel? I hope you recover quickly.
Stephanie said…
The last picture was my favorite! They make a cute pair :)

P.S. I hope you all get feeling better soon.
Jennifer said…
you are a saint. my kids are NOT getting a dog until they are old enough to so all the work it requires.