I'm back!!

Since I haven't had internet for several months, I'm obviously waaaay behind on my blogging. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I thought I'd put in a few (for those of you who are bored by baby pictures, this post is probably not worth your time, as there are quite a few pictures of Jack in here) to help tell you about the past few months in our lives.
Right now, we're getting ready for the Halloween season...hence the socks.
This is our bedroom. As many of you know, Steve and I bought a brand-new house, and have been working to make it ours. We just painted this room over the Labor Day weekend with the help of our amazing friend, Shauna!!
Jack is just starting to learn to crawl...he's to the point where he can get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth, but then he usually gives up and lays on his tummy again. And in case you're wondering about the socks on his hands, he has this nasty habit of grabbing my skin and squeezing it with his little sharp nails. I have cuts all over my chest, neck, and face. So this was my retaliation.
I made my own salsa!! We got several tomatoes and chiles from my parents' garden, and so I made a bunch of homemade salsa and froze it.
Eating solid foods has its drawbacks. This is one of them.
About half of the corn my parents' garden produced. Since we helped (about this much)
they let us keep some of it, too.

Jack's enjoying some of the garden produce we've been getting up here in Snowflake

I would like to think he's teething, because he chews on EVERYTHING, but no teeth yet. It's okay, really, because I'm still nursing.


My parents own a couple of bull calves, so we decided to let Jack ride a bull!

Yes. I married him.

Jack is quite the pro at rolling from his back to his stomach, but it took him a lot longer to figure out how to get back to his back. This was the first time he actually flipped over on his own.

What can I say? He's cute.
So, now that I once again have easy access to the Internet, hopefully I'll be able to post more often. I've missed the blogging world!


Heather said…
AAAUUGGHH!! I am SO GLAD you now have internet!! Seriously, I didn't even realize how much I missed you and your stinkin' blog until you posted again and I seriously just smiled the whole way through because I was thinking of you and how you would say things and how I miss you and wish I could see you and play with you in real life and how it got me so excited that I became completely spaztastic and rambled on in the most incoherent blog comment ever. (Breath intake!) Soooo, I just have to say that your baby is ridiculously cute and I neeeed him. And I love that you have a new house. And I love that Steve is a nut. And I need to end this comment now while you'll still be my friend.
Our Ohana said…

your baby is ADORABLE.
your house looks fun! (can i request more pictures?!)
and I am glad you're back!

Jennifer said…
Owwww...I love the lighting in that last picture....you have great lighting there in your kitchen....we should do a mini photo shoot of Jack there...maybe the rest of you too....I wonder what time the light comes through there best????? Okay...I am a lighting dork....sorry.....

Jack is adroable and so is your house which I need to come see since it looks like you have been super busy cuteifying it! :)
Claire said…
Yay Jewel!!! So glad you are back to blogging. I expect lots of posts with lots of photos... :D

Speaking of photos, I have your disc. I need your address. I was going to call you but can't find your phone number. I'm kind of stupid like that these days. Being pregnant has destroyed my brain. :P So, email me, or call me, or somehow get me your address so I can send your CD! Miss you guys!!
Shauni said…
I'm glad to see you back! I really like your blog. I can't believe how fast Jack is growing! He is so cute!
Cristin said…
I'm glad you are back online! Thanks for that diaper blow out picture. Nice visual.
Jewel said…
I had to share. It happens quite regularly, actually. Maybe I need to try a different brand of diapers.
Brie said…
Ok, so your pictures of Jack were stinkin cute...really cute. But I have to say that my favorite pic was of Steve. I laughed so hard!!! Love it!
So so cute! I can't wait till i see you guys again. Love you!