Week of Firsts

This was definitely an interesting week of firsts for Jack (and for his sometimes clueless parents). We got pictures of some of those firsts, and others, you'll just have to imagine for yourselves. So, here they are, not in any particular order:

The First Bath!! He actually was very calm, remarkably so. We were proud of him.
First time in front of the "electronic babysitter:" The other night Steve was holding him, and because he was being incredibly fussy and hard to please, we put him in this bouncer that has a vibrator on it (to simulate a car ride, I guess it's for). Well, that didn't work, but when we turned it around, he caught sight of the television, and was fascinated by the lights--it seriously quieted him for about 20 minutes!! Should I feel guilty that I'm already using the television to entertain my child?
Jack's first photo shoot: on the left is Diana, holding up the background. He kept crying, so we figured out to put him on Steve's lap (covered by the same black sheet used for the background), and have him suck on Steve's finger until just before Claire (on the right) took the picture. It worked, as you can tell from my previous post. The pictures turned out great!!
First time actually using a pacifier. He still only takes it when he's not upset or hungry (which are usually the times when we want him to take it the most), but he's getting better!! I was actually kind of against pacifiers until I had a baby. Now I'm 100% for them.
Some other firsts that were, unfortunately, not caught on camera, but are noteworthy nonetheless:
  • First time nursing in a public situation. Of course, it had to be at Steve's good friend's super ritzy wedding (we wouldn't have gone, but we had already RSVP'd, and he was paying a LOT of money per person, and besides that, we had guilt), and the timing just had to work out where Jack started screaming unconsolably right as the bridesmaids were preparing to walk down the aisle. It was definitely interesting to throw the shawl I use to remain semi-decent over my shoulder and unbutton my dress as everyone in front of us is turning around in their chairs to look behind them...I was a little embarrassed, to say the least, but Steve said that I did it so smoothly that no one could even tell I was feeding a child under the shawl. I say bull, but I'll never see any of those people again, so who cares?
  • First time getting pooped on in a public situation. Same wedding, about 5 minutes after the ceremony was over, I was holding Jack on my lap, and he made a familiar face...I looked down just in time to see bright yellow poop gushing all over his cute little outfit that we were planning on getting him blessed in, as well as all over one of my favorite dresses. So that lead to...
  • First time dealing with a screaming, poopy child in public. We went into the bathroom, where thankfully they had a changing table in one of the stalls (it was much nicer than trying to deal with him out in front of the sinks or some place equally visible), and he proceeded to cry and scream uncontrollably as I did my best to mop both of us up with wipes, toilet paper, and wet paper towels. It took about 15 minutes, after which I fed him again, and then, of course, for the rest of the festivities, he was either alert and perfectly content, or sleeping in his car seat. He was a positive angel for the next two hours.

So, now I feel like I've joined some club. Shouldn't there be some commemorative pin or something for anybody who's ever been pooped on in public?


Claire said…
I'm all for a pin... I got pooped on in public for the first time when I was 19... I was out for dinner with my aunt and cousins and the guy I really liked came along. My cousin pooped and threw up on me all in front of said guy. No good!!

Looks like you guys are having a great week! Jack is ADORABLE!! I on the other hand, not so adorable in that picture! :D I need to send you the one of the grim reaper diana holding Jack... :D
Heather said…
Yay for Bridge to Terabithia! I love that movie. It's only natural Jack would, too.

And yay for supermom, Jewel, and the poop! You should have Steve come up with a voice for THAT kind of poop. How would IT say hello?
(And now the rest of your friends who will read this comment are judging me. And probably you a little bit for being my friend.)
Cristin said…
It is a big deal to nurse in public for the first time. Good job. It's funny because you felt like everyone was looking at you probably, but if you are covered up, over half the people have no clue what you are even doing with the baby.
Debi Lassen said…
Way to go, Jewel! You have been initiated for sure into some kind of club...if you ever decide what to call the club...count me in! I'm sure I've been there and done that sometime!
Love you so much! A very proud (good kind) Aunt Debi xoxoxoxox
John and Lisa said…
Ditto what Debi said! Isn't it something...where you just have to improvise over and over and over again? It's just the beginning, but you sound like a pro already! You're both doing GREAT! Love the pictures, by the way. Jeri was looking at them on her website. Beautiful!!
Katrina Rasband said…
way to go! so many firsts done...and so many more to come! i remember my first timy nursing in public, i was mortified! and for no reason! i was doing what was best for my newborn child...who cares what other pepole think! way to go jewel! and as for being pooped on, ya poop happens lol can't wait to meet this handsome little one!
Christine said…
This is Christine (Badger) Burk. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I babysat you and your siblings a few times in good ol' St. Johns.
Anyway, I never did congratulate you guys like I meant to, so congratulations! What a cute little guy! And good job not losing it in the poop situation. :) You definitely deserve a badge.
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Hi, sorry about my other one. I didn't mean to delete it. I looked at the pictures on Claire's website. I LOVED the "booty" shot. Just too cute!
Jennifer said…
Well...they might not hand out pins to pooped on moms...but at least you'll have the stain to remember the occasion!


You are a serious SAINT to have gone in public with Jack already! I use my "I have a newborn baby" excuse for as LONG as I can! (An 18 month old is still fairly "newborn" in the whole eternal scheme of things right?)

Anyhow...I am so glad you documented these "firsts" for you guys! Brings back some memories for me!

Love ya!