Latest Update

Sorry I've been such a slacker about posting more details on here--the only problem is, there really haven't been any more details to post! :(

Basically, we went in to the midwife on Wednesday...she checked me, and I'm still at a 3, same effacement. We talked to her about it, and we decided that if the baby's still not here by Monday (the 16th), she's scheduled an induction--they'll have me go in and break my water.

Since then, I've been about the same--a few contractions here and there, but not enough to be effective. But I feel really good about what we decided; even though I originally was hoping not to be induced (and let's face it, I'm still hoping that with the deadline coming up, Jr. here will decide to come on his own), I feel quite relieved to have made a decision. We'll see!


Cristin said…
Good luck, Jewel! I'll pray you don't have to be induced, but the thing that matters most is that you have a healthy baby at the end. I can't wait to hear more.
Sarah M Eden said…
Hang in there Jewel. You'll be done before you know it.
John and Lisa said…
I'll be praying for you. Coming from someone who was induced in some way, shape, or form 5 out of 6 times...they all turned out fine! (Addie was the only one that came on her own!) If you aren't tired of opinions, and want to hear our different forms of inducement...give me a call. But if you are set, no questions...and ready to go...I completely understand! You'll do fine, Jewel. I sure am thinking about you. Love you.