He is FINALLY here!!!

So, I know that Steve posted on here, and now here are the promised details. If there are too many details, uh..then just scroll to the pictures. :)

All day Sunday, as I said in my last post, I had been having harder contractions. But once again, they weren't regular until about 3am Monday morning when they got to be about 5 minutes apart. I worked through as many as I could, trying to relax and get as much sleep as I could possibly get (I hadn't slept Saturday or Sunday night, and I knew that going into labor already tired was going to be a nightmare, whether I was induced or not), but by 5:00, I was kind of starting to panic. I woke Steve up and told him we needed to go to the hospital NOW...I was NOT feeling good.

We got to the hospital, and because I was already scheduled to be induced at 6:00, they had a room ready and waiting for me, and my midwife was already there to deliver another baby, so they got me checked by 5:30, and I was at a 7. YAY!!! Had I still only been a 3, I might have just given up then and there.

We labored (Steve was WONDERFUL and really helped me try to relax as much as possible through my contractions) until about 11:30 that morning, and that was when I started really doubting whether or not I could go through this...they checked me again, and I was at a really loose 9 (and wanting to push), so they asked me if I would like for them to break my water for me--they knew that that would pretty much get the baby out.

They broke my water (it took the midwife a long time, actually--it was a sturdy amniotic sac, I suppose), and right after that was when I started to push. I pushed for an hour, but my contractions were still only about 5 minutes apart, which was hard because it ended up taking longer, but I was able to rest at least a little bit in between contractions, so they were more effective.

When he crowned, I was exhausted, and Steve leaned over to me and said, "He has blonde hair!" That was exciting enough for me to push for the next contraction, and a few pushes later, his head was out...and one push later, I had a little baby, at 1:08 pm!!

They put him on my tummy, and the first thing I thought was "He is BIG!!" We knew right then what his name was going to be--Jack Gordon Busch, weighing in at 9 lbs. 14.8 oz. (I was right--he WAS big), 22 inches long.

We had had my mom, Steve's mom and dad, and NaElle in there for most of the labor--we asked them to leave when it got really intense, and then they all got to come back in once he was out and meet him...it was so fun to see all of their reactions, and to see so many people who love our baby nearly as much as we do.

He's beautiful, and he actually came out looking really good--not bruised or swollen or anything! Of course, I may be biased, but once you see the pictures, I think you'll agree. He's gorgeous. :)

Right after they gave him back to me after cleaning him
So relieved I'm done!

Proud papa

Rocking him to sleep...he was SO mellow--he hardly cried at all that first day (although he's making up enough for it now, I suppose) :)

First day home!! I was anemic, so we ended up staying for a couple of days in the hospital and got home Wednesday afternoon.

In the hospital, moments after birth. Isn't he beautiful?

This is him tonight, sleeping...He doesn't even look like a newborn to me!! I honestly think he looks like he could be a few weeks old already. He is even trying to hold his head up!!
So, that's our birth story!!! Welcome to the world, Jack!!!


Congratulations! We are so excited and happy for you guys! Jack is a cutie! Little boys are so much fun! I bet you can now say a year and a half was worth the wait! (I'm sure you guys thought that at your wedding too.) With sacrifice come the blessings!;) We wish you the best with your new little one!
the princess said…
what a great post, jewel - CONGRATULATIONS!! he is absolutely beautiful. what a gorgeous baby. enjoy every minute of it!!
Sare said…
SQUEEE!!!!! I am just so excited for you guys!!!! and he really is beautiful!! I loved getting to come hang out with you guys in the hospital those couple of days...thanks for letting me take so much of his time!!!
Alicia said…
Good job, Jewel! Wow! He really does look great. It's so exciting to see him!!!!
Our Ohana said…
Congratulations!! That's great you didn't have to be induced! He is a gorgeous little boy and BIG ... you're a trooper!! Enjoy every minute of parenthood because it goes by WAY too fast!!

Welcome to the world, Jack!
I was thinking that he looked older than a newborn...you're right, he's a gorgeous baby! And a stinker too...so funny that he waited almost until you were supposed to be induced (well, funny now, maybe not at the time). Congrats Jewel! I'm so happy for you!
Eva said…
You're amazing Jewel! He is so cute and to me he looks like 3 months old because mine come so small. Have fun with the cuddly time, it goes fast. The good news is every stage is wonderful in its own way.
Mindy said…
Congratulations! I am so glad to finally hear all the details. I am glad that you were able to reach your goal of having a natural labor. You did a great job!!! He is so cute.
Heather said…
Um, am I totally lame that I teared up a little when reading this?

JEWEL. You are a MOTHER.

Oh man, I just love it. And I ESPECIALLY love the picture of you and Steve kissing while you're holding Jack. If I wasn't slightly tearing up before, that picture totally got me.


I must meet him. I must hold him. This must happen.
Claire said…
Awww, it made me all teary to read it! Isn't birth amazing!!! He is so, so cute! I love the picture of him in the striped outfit. He's a stud. You'll be beating off the girls with a stick before too long. Let me know when you guys are up for a visitor, some pictures and coconut cake! :D
trine k said…
Yay Jewel!!! Congratulations, he is SO beautiful! Your whole family is, I'm so so happy for you, good luck with nursing and sleeping and all that lies ahead, you'll be a champ I'm sure.
you're right, he IS adorable!!! congratulations!
Jennifer said…
He is the cutest little guy! I am laughing at your "so relieved I'm done" comment...cause girl...there will be days you'll wish for hours of labor just to get a break from the kid! So just kidding....all joking aside...you did great! I bet he can't wait to meet his favorite great aunt Jennifer! I am dying o hold him!

Love ya!
Sarah M Eden said…
I am so happy for you both. Happy that you are finally done being pregnant and happy that you have such a beautiful little guy!
But, really Jewel, 9 lbs 14.5 oz? Are you kidding me? My kids didn't weigh 9 lbs until they were like three years old. You know when they announce that in church on Sunday all the women in the ward are pretty much going to pass out. Sheesh!
(Kidding, haha). Congrats to you both!
Anonymous said…
Way to go! Jack is a great name and perfect for such a BIG baby. He is super cute! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Bret & Amber
Oh how fun! Congrats! I have had internet problems lately and was excited to finally be able to check and see that your little guy is here! Fun!
John and Lisa said…
No....I think I might be the favorite great aunt!!!! :-) Congratulations, again, both of you....actually, all THREE of you! Beautiful pictures of your beautiful boy! Love the one of him sleeping at home, all comfy.
Vicki said…
Yeah he seriously does not look like a newborn! Wow, huge!! :)
Diana said…
I can't wait to meet him!!! Congrats!
Shauni said…
Congratulations, Jewel and Steve! Jack is adorable. I'd like to bring you dinner sometime, but you're probably taken care of this week. Maybe next week...
Anonymous said…
Congrats! Although, I totally agree w/Sarah. There was a gasp in the Chapel with they announced Jack's size. Again, along w/Sarah both my kids took a while to get that big. Congrats! He is sooo beautiful.
Celeste Dana said…
Jewel, he's beautiful. You did a great job and you're a much braver woman than me!! Way to go!
Cristin said…
What a healthy looking baby!! (That's what people say about 9 pounders.) Congrats again. I'm happy to hear the birth story. Wonderful that you didn't have to be induced. You did a great job! See, it wasn't that bad!
Kelly said…
what a BEAUTIFUL little guy!! and if you think he looks like he could be older, well, that's how much gwenna weighed around 2 months. so there's a reason for that. ... :) thanks for the post. sounds like a tiring but REWARDING experience. way to go, mama jewel!! :)
Shalise said…
I had been checking your blog everyday hoping that baby had finally come. I'm so glad you are home and that Jack is here-he is a beautiful baby!! Congrats!!
Pam said…
Isn't that the cutest family in the world?! I'm not prejudiced or anything!!