Getting Back to Normal...ish...

Well, my mom decided to go back to Snowflake on Friday, which was very bitter-sweet for me...part of me is relieved that I'm not having to feel guilty for keeping her away from the other kids and Dad any more, but then the other part of me misses having her here.

At the same time, it's nice to get back into a routine. Although I'm disappointed that the baby still hasn't come, and I still get excited every time I have more than 6 contractions in an hour (which has actually been quite a regular occurance this past week), I'm definitely realizing that he'll come when HE decides, not me. I actually had tried to talk myself into being prepared for him to be late, but when we had all of that false labor happening, I got my hopes up...and now that his due date has come and gone without any baby, I'm trying to get myself back into the "okay--it's all right if I go 42 weeks and he's still not here. It's up to him" mode.

Sorry that my last post was so negative...I really do love being pregnant, and I'm lucky enough that my baby moves a lot, so I know he's doing well. I guess I'm just impatient to meet my new son, that's all. Thanks to all of you for being so supportive!!


Shauna K. said…
May I suggest you watch FRIENDS season 8. "The one where Rachel is Late." As well as "The one where Rachel has the Baby."
You are so funny! He'll come just when you've settled back into being pregnant for a while :). Just remember that he can't stay in there forever-I promise day you'll hold him and you'll wish that time would slow down as much as it did when you were pregnant! Keep us updated...we're all on pins and needles!!
Sare said…
Oh sweetie!!! You don't need to be sorry!! I can't imagine how hard this is for you!!! But you are almost there!!!

Hey thanks for coming to play on Friday night - I'm so glad you guys could make it!! Much love, and PLEASE let us know if you need anything little thing okay?!!!
trine k said…
oh man Jewel, sorry for the yo-yo you must be on! I tend to me like my mom and I've been in complete denial that I'm actually in labor until it HURTS. then I know my body isn't messing around. In the meantime I just keep saying, "no, I'm not in labor, I'll just keep getting stuff done". :) until I can't because I can't walk anymore. It's such a mind game, I'm sure I'd be going a little crazy in your shoes too! In the mean time, enjoy your sleep and your time with Steve! He'll come soon! Love you so much, we are so excited for you!
Jennifer said…
I hope you don't go to 42 weeks!
Diana said…
I was just checkin' on you and to see if the there was an update on here since yesterday. Did your leg and foot rub get any thing started?
The Mckays said…
my husband kyle and steve are good friends from being counselors at efy together. i hope you have had your baby by now, i know exactly how you feel. we just had our first, born three weeks ago - addsion grace mckay. my last two weeks were so long. i was also dilated and effaced. i never went into labor on my own and was induced. she came four days late. 9lbs 7oz, i wouldn't recommend a baby that big. congratulations in advance, they are work, but are so much fun and are so precious.